I am tired of all these dumbass bitches.

Whassa matter? Your right hand shacking up with some other guy again?

Nothing earns the love and respect of bitches like slappin’ em around when they disrespect you. Except for slappin’ em around when they DO love and respect you. Best to keep them guessing and afraid to set you off.

I think that you should send them all a link to this thread so they can understand the depth of your feelings toward them.

George Sodini, is that you? Oh wait, you’re dead. Still …

I don’t let them on the Intertubes.

If you did, they might get better at blowing and sucking through them.

Imaginary people aren’t very good at mouse-clicking anyway.

Do you own any striped shirts?

Also, I am going to set you up with someone.

Peace out

Have you let your girls know about the cuties checking you out? Just curious. Us bitches loves us some good competition. Who knows, maybe you can get 'em to wrestle. That usually cheers my man right up.

Not only is Stan Shmenge the greatest driver since Dale Earnhardt, he’s the best thing to happen to women since Ike Turner.

I kid, of course. Stan Shmenge sounds like a real catch- in the same sense that gonorrhea is a catch.

Keep your pimp hand strong. :dubious:

This thread is surreal.

I routinely dispense two of the three.

Shouldn’t have told her that. Shoulda smacked her, black.

Seem mutually exclusive to me. (Bolding mine)

Is this one of those “What i lack in intelligence, i make up in stupidity” type of contrasts?

Likely much in the same way that “it’s not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean” applies to our little Stanimal.

I suspect the OP is using “bitches” in its primary sense: Female canines.

Would that make the whole thread more sensible?

No it wouldn’t. The OP specifically mentions women, so female canines are out.

Unless… :dubious:

I hope all of these girls end up in with cops in their next relationships.

Takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat.