I’m having lunch with a friend of mine and she tells she’s pregnant again. I congratulate her and ask her if she wants a boy or girl. She has a 2-yr-old boy already (which she has spolied well beyond rotten, will definitely be trouble later on). She tells me she wants another boy (and she will, I recently found out). When I ask her why she doesn’t want a girl, she says that she doesn’t want to be stuck in the house playing tea party and dressing up in “girly” clothes!!!
Some background: she was always an avid tennis player and likes the outdoors. Her husband is a bit on the overly-macho side (drives a truck, used to drive a Corvette, is physically active, obsessive about his hair (which he’s losing), into guns, and so forth).
I asked her why couldn’t she play with the girl outside? She did it as child. She thinks if she gets the girl interested in sports, she’ll “trun into” a lesbian!! I said, “you’re not a lesbian, are you?” She laughed and said “ewwww, no!”. So, I said, “There you go”. She had no comment.
I then asked her, "What if you’re sons turn out to be gay? (IMHO, you are born homosexual). She had no comment.
Now, this woman is not stupid, but I think her common sense is definitely lacking. (Also, IMHO, common sense is much more important than intelligence in most cases).
Opinions? Comments?
Moderator: this might belong in the BBQ Pit, I wasn’t sure.