I don't have a girlfriend anymore

Yeah, it happened this past weekend. It had felt like it was time for a change for a while now, and so after dinner last Sunday I had a talk with Honesty. I told her things were changing and that we just shouldn’t be boyfriend/girlfriend anymore. I told her that I was thinking of a change in our relationship. Then I pulled the little box out of my pocket and showed her the ring and asked her to marry me.

She said yes.

So I don’t have a girlfriend anymore, I have a fiance now. :slight_smile: We don’t have a date set yet, and we’ll probably run off and get married somewhere in a small, quiet ceremony. (She’s been married once already and I tired quickly of the marriage planning process the last time I was engaged.)

Congrats, Crunchy. Does this mean you’re a virtual bigamist now? :wink:

Oh, hurray! You had me worried there for a minute–yes, the ploy worked! But I’m so happy for you and Honesty.

I’m not married yet! But now that your mention it, I guess I will be after we actually get married.

Thanks struuter. We’re gonna wait until this cancer thing gets cleared up first and she has time to recover before we start making plans. (I don’t live anywhere near the hospital and doctor she’s seeing)

Dude, that is a sure way to get a big fat kiss followed by a big fat smack across the face. Or at least that’s the way I would have accepted. :slight_smile:

Congrats. May your days together be many, your larder be full, and love be plentiful.

Well I didn’t break it to her like that. The breakup sounding stuff was just for you guys.

feh. And here was someone else I could moan about my women problems to… and you have to go and be happy.


Well done, bud!

That was so sweet… getting all bleary here… anyone got a tissue??

So there’s going to be a Mrs. Frog…


Hey, let’s not jump to conclusions. I will be married after all . . .

Here I was getting myself prepared to say “This too will pass…”

Congrats, Crunchy and Honesty! And thanks for scaring the living hell out of me!

CP that is an evil and misleading topic line. I hope she makes you mow the lawn twice a week!

Congratulations, God bless and a thousand years of happiness to you and your future bride.

A thousand?! Marriage doesn’t last that long does it? I was thinking 60-75 years tops. Or does it just feel like it’s that long?

Damn!* My heart was in my throat when I clicked on your thread!* You shouldn’t scare us like that! :wink:


Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, don’t SCARE me like that, hon!!!

hugs you hard Congrats!!!

Congratulations, Crunchy!

But yes, you should be hurt for that thread title. :slight_smile:


a small, quiet ceremony WITHOUT THE JACKET? That would seem to be a flagrant waste of resources. A man with a jacket like… well, sure, the ceremony can be small, but the reception should be enormous!

Congrats on losing yr. girlfriend.

Tabithina and Falcon - Hey, if you can’t screw with your e-friends, who can you screw with?

Speaking of screwing your e-friends, how YOU doin’?

Congrats, Crunchy! And give my best to the future Mrs. Frog.

Congratulations Crunchy. Being married is great, in my opinion. I spent years hearing the “old ball and chain” jokes, but I wouldn’t change being married for the world.

The only draw back to being engaged is that the word “fiance” is a little more of a mouthful than “girlfriend” when you introduce her to someone.

Whoa whoa whoa!!! Who said anything about mot having that jacket? There have been exactly 5 occasions in my life when I’ve had an opportunity to wear that jacket in public (prom, my sister’s wedding, my cousin’s first wedding, and 2 charity dinners) I was only allowed to wear it twice (my sister’s wedding reception - after the professional photographer left - and one of the dinners) You think I’m gonna pass up an opportunity to wear it again? Besides, a quick marriage in Vegas at the the Temple of Elvis screams for that jacket to be worn.