Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 73 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 83 and maybe rain this mornin’ and afternoon. Or not. TWPTB have no idea. I shall do some cave spiffin’ this mornin’. The place is relatively sanitary so mostly wipin’ down the bathrooms and kitchen is all that’s needed although I will dust and vacuum cause I’m changin’ the a/c filter today. I foresee a trip to the liberry as well.
OK, so here it is, do with it what you will.
I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, well, onward into the day!
Hey - you stole my non-topic MMP idea from last week! Sneaky ol’ bear!
Heatwave is in progress - we’re threatened with mid-90s today and much humidity. Yay for working indoors in a/c!
I’ve got a dentist appointment after work today - just the routine cleaning. Afterwards, I’m thinking of grabbing some sushi for supper so I won’t have to cook. That will pretty much be my day.
I received my first “My Home Energy Report” from Duke Energy Progress, summarizing, à la mayor Ed Koch, “How am I doing”.
A cheerful color chart reviewed the past year’s monthly usage by “Average Home”, “Efficient Home” and “Your [meaning me] Home”. This graph revealed that “Your [meaning me] Home” had the lowest consumption levels in each of the previous twelve months, which indicates, and I quote: “Your home remains among the most efficient in the area. Great job!” (yes, it was bolded in the original).
A second chart documenting my great achievement is captioned “Way to go! You are among the most efficient homes in the area and the envy of your neighbors.”
This energy-saving-prowess neighbor-envy explains why lately the neighbors have been pointing at me and whispering.
Words alone cannot express how thrilled I am by this recognition. I hope that in the future the electric company plans to affix gold stars and “Way to Go!” stickers on my monthly bills.
Our electric co-op sends similar charts out monthly, and in the mild, pre-a/c days, we’ve been using less power than our most efficient neighbors!! Of course, we’re both at work all day, so that helps. It will be interesting to see what happens now that the heat wave is descending upon us.
Greeting, whitetho; I’ll let wiser heads (or those that are more awake) come up with your mumper name.
I’m getting new windows installed, probably this week, that is suppssed to make my house more energy-efficient. We’ll see.
Otherwise just need to clean house and pack for my refereeing trip to Knoxville starting Thorsday. Do 6-8 games and come back on Sunday. Only about a 4-hr car trip, maybe less.
Took a walk last evening (Sunday) around the neighborhood, now that I am not refereeing and coaching soccer need to get a modest amount of exercise. Thinking about joining a gym, just not sure how much use I’d really get out of it.
Rain expected this afternoon. Good; saves me from watering the lawn.
Found out this morning that it was my immediate boss who put me in for the bonus. When I can catch him alone for a second, I shall have to thank him. I already sent an email of thanks to the company prez. Because I’m nice, dammit!
Further up Page One than I usually am; Doggie must still be off cursing somewhere.
Except for the results of the hockey games the weekend went well. No one got hurt, arrested, and only about 10 got pissed off enough to swear to never return. The last because we’re in a state park and the rules about alcohol are pretty clear. We all break them but discreetly and some people don’t do discreet when they drink. Now its four day and we’re off again for fun and profit and then July rushes at us. Life is good.
Beyond blurf, I sat outside until 3am talking to the neighbor. Then A DAM cat ran out the door and wouldn’t come back in.
I slept from 4 to 7:30, but once I woke up I couldn’t get back to sleep.
I have much to do today but I have a feeling not much is going to get done.
Hi! So, today is officially the first day of summer vacation, and I should just be chillin’. Instead, for some reason, my nerves feel rattled. I was also hoping to sleep in, but the dog had me up. He, of course, is now sleeping soundly. It’s supposed to be a high of 93 today, it’s too early to be that hot! Enjoy the day!
Da cave is spiffed. I have decided on sketties 'n meatballs with sallit and garlic bread for dindin just cause it’s easy. Plus it’s good. 'Tis sprinkly out and I hope that turns into rain for real.
Whitey I get similar stuff from Jawja Power. However, they just call me better than average re energy efficiency. I suppose that’s OK. The phone company would rate me way below average if’n it did such things cause I hate talkin’ on the phone and will avoid it unless absolutely necessary. I assume the phone company would want me to be yakkin’ it up. I am probably a more than average water user bein’ as I have a cee-mint pond and must add water to it from time to time.
Blurf. It’s almost hometime for me and I still haven’t had a blurf in here! I have had a big case of dontwannas today, right from the point where the alarm clock was due to beep at me this morning. But I have been here all day and I’ve been productive so at least I didn’t give in to temptation.
We have our big scary exam board on Wednesday afternoon, I have been doing scrutiny reports and am now going to vastly exciting scrutiny meetings. The one for French today went well, because the guy who ran it told everyone how it was going to be and they just agreed with him.
I have one for Spanish tomorrow where I know the guy in charge will expect me to tell him what’s what, and everyone else will deny all knowledge of absolutely everything. I am hoping to get out of the Russian meetings because they always argue about every last detail even though there’s only four of them and they collaborate on the results in the first place.
Once Wednesday’s big meeting is over, I shall be in the corner, soaking my head in a bucket of cold water.
Hello Whitey - looks like swampy has already sorted out your mumper name. Doesn’t matter what you call yourself out there, when you come in here, you get called something entirely different.
BLURF Irking as usual. Tis Moanday for sure. I also have sketties sans parm for lunch though I do have garlic bread. My pneumonia clerk came back to irk today thank God but she is still not 100% and has a dr. appt so she is leaving early. I will take what I can get.
Irked. New annoying chef told boss he was considering leaving, boss tried to talk him out of it (he is a good cook, even if he is a pain in the arse- boss’s description). Decision has also been taken to close on Sundays from now on, 'cos the last few weeks we haven’t even taken enough to cover wages.
This means (seeing as I’m leaving soon) that I may be going down to only 2 days a week, unless the chef does go, in which case I’ll be doing every day but Sunday until a replacement replacement chef is found. Neither are exactly ideal, neither are exactly a disaster. I wait to find out.
My main dilemma of the day is that I just realised I haven’t bought a birthday present for venerable Great-Uncle, who turns 80 on Wednesday. He’s a nightmare to buy for, as he really does have everything. It’ll probably wind up being booze again, but that does lack imagination, and he is supposedly cutting down…
Then again, we might want to go for something just slightly less politically incorrect; not that we’re correct, politically or otherwise around here.
You could buy me booze for his b-day, that shows imagination & creativity in a MMP logic sorta way.
It’s a melty hot day 'round here today, high about 94°, but a possibility to tie, or even break the record for the day, which is just 1° more at 95° (that’s 35°C to you 'cross-the-pond types)