We *might *see sun this afternoon, maybe, but the forecast is for rain till the weekend. At least it’s mostly gentle showers and drizzles and not major deluges like Houston had been getting. Still, a little break would be nice.
Other than that, another day in paradise. I’m about to head out the door and get some breakfast enroute.
Happy Moanday!!!
First! It’s good to be juvenile! 
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 68 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 88 and afternoon/evenin’ tstorms. We shall see. Storms are predicted for tomorrow and Wednesday as well.
OK that’s all I got for now. I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, alas and alack, 'tis Moanday so irk purtification must commence. Le sigh.
Happy Moanday Y’all!
I’m in Smug City. Did a 3.5 mile walk, the grocery shopping AND douched the bathroom. Now for a lovely breakfast out, maybe SOS today, or perhaps a bacon, cheese and onion omelet. We’re due for the drizzlies all week, which is OK because I broadcast a lot of annual flower seeds(I am a cheap and lazy gardener) What comes up and how much? Who can say? It’s all up to Mother Nature from now on.
Have a great week, everyone.
My last bit of gardening was akin to quiltdude’s. I was tired, the children were helping. We tossed out some seeds and spread straw. A few nice rains couldn’t hurt.
I am busy procrastinating right now. I ought to be filing a Fafsa for Girl 2.0. I’m very tired of paperwork right now. I already did this for the boy. But we gotta do a second round. We don’t want to.
Sunny skies here in Ludington MI. My daughters are in Houston, which is where I have escaped from ever since I woke up at 3AM to knee-high water way back when.
Now I live next door to a huge lake with no sharks around. Or stinging jelly-fish on the beach.
Happy Monday everyone!
I’ve already been up for three hours. Between the cat and Nature calling, it’s becoming the norm to be awake before sunrise, and I. Don’t. Like. It. !!!
The rain will be lingering here, teasing us with breaks of Sun, all week. Feh!
Dripping wet Monday morning blurfs.
Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. No rain here, just cloudy and 69. <snerk>
Welocme quitguy! We can call you Linus. Gordie will be getting his 3 mile walk shortly.
Happy first You’re-not-a-productive-member-of-society Day, MetalMouse.
Had to be in early today. After yestidy’s looking day, I’m already dragging before normal start time. 
Use better judgement on giving the cat a cellphone. :dubious:
I’m up and more awake than usual, especially for a Monday. I’m not going to look for the weather, but it’s clear and cool enough to leave the doors open for awhile.
I also gardened a bit over the weekend. Concentrated on perennials rather than annuals. I’m rebuilding the flower beds after past years of replacing siding on the house (beds had to be relocated or tromped for access). It almost makes it look like the house is finished.
Better scoot.
Wet here too (not far from Mom). Spent the weekend with my kids at my parents. Began teaching my daughter to drive, she’s doing quite well! No real oh shit moments.
Working late shift today and tomorrow then back to early.
Nothing much else special to report, which is good. The approach of spring and summer continues to appeal.
Happy Moonday!
Still grey, wet, and rainy.
It’s also chilly and the heat is still running. Having to have the heat on in May is stupid, but so is being cold all the time.
Today is grocery shopping day.
I have to remember to call to pay my car insurance today. Otherwise they will take a monthly payment, and I won’t get the discount for paying six months up front.
I have some laundry to do.
{{{Swampy}}} I’m sorry about your friend’s brother.
Hello from grey, yet not rainy, California. Possible rain later in the week. Come on rain! (Drought sucks. Tell your kids.)
Son is off to school. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of brownies and pizza, delivered by mom, for lunch treat for his class.
Daughter is actually awake and functioning 30 minutes before we leave for school. :eek:
Today is shopping and birthday shenanigans. Also phone calls to work on the Oregon move. All in all, a pretty great Monday! (This may be the only time I ever write those words.)
Happy Moanday all!
Oh joy! It is first of the month on a Moanday!!!. I am so excited to do about a million things today.
Boss is finally moving into his office (the one I used to share) - it’s very convenient to be able to ask him questions now. So I guess that’s a good thing. And it’s almost lunch, so that’s also a good thing.
Yesterday was rainy. Tomorrow will be rainy. Today is not rainy.
Today is Chores and Writing Day. I’m switching back and forth between the two. Chili is crockpottin’ behind me. It’ll be good tomorrow. 
swampy, hugs to you, OYKW, JDD and partner and JDDBro.
The rain stayed away most of yesterday, but I drove to irk in it this morning. PT starts tomorrow. :Knock wood: I’m moving a little better today, but still not going to win any footraces.
Happy first sloth day, metal mouse! My dad said that the first six months of retirement were spent just catching up on rest.
The rain stopped, the sun is out, and much to his delight - Sah-son gets to mow the back yard.
I have to run back out to the grocery store, they forgot to give us the bag of refrigerated stuff.
Sun hasn’t made its way here yet. I walked out to the lobby to see. Still dreary and gray.
I finally got the stoopit software to save my latest drawing as a .pdf - it required a restart!!! So now I need to get work from the boss. Luckily, he just got back from lunch…