I feel bad about flaming people

This isn’t about anything specific. I was looking at the People of the SDMB site, and after seeing everyone, I felt bad about sometimes getting pissy with people over stupid crap. So, if I’ve ever offended you for any reason…I’m sorry, and I’ll try to be more considerate in the future. :slight_smile: I don’t flame often, but sometimes I just get cranky. Sometimes people forget that the names on the 'net are real people. :slight_smile:


Jman, this is the stupidest post I’ve ever seen! Was your head up your butt while typing it? Man!


Yeah, really, you and your posts are a waste of bandwidth.
What does it mean if I’m not on the people pages? Does that mean I’m somehow more open to being flamed because I have no face? HUH!


This post wants me want to go hug a puppy!

reaches for tissue

Snickering aside, I know what you mean–once you put a real face to these people, it can make you feel like quite a jackass for previous attitudes. Too bad it doesn’t prevent more of us from continuing to be total jackasses, but hey, a leopard can’t change his spots now can he?


No, that’s not SOB. Maybe it should be. Anyway, CnoteChris…yes…since you have no picture, you are just a name and can be BBQd with the best of them. I’m not going to quit posting my opinions or anything…I’m just going to try to not be a prick about it when I do. Know what I mean?



PS…vanilla, you rock!

I don’t get your thread title.

What do you have against gays, you bastard!


Uh, Jman,

Not to be a prick or anything, but the thread title should read “badly”, not “bad”. See, you need an adverb to modify the verb “feel”. In this context, “bad” is actually an adjective, which should be used to modify a noun. In this case, the most proximal noun is “I”, (which may best be modified by “bad”).

Boy was that a soft lob…

The human torch said it for me: “Flame on!”

BTW, you should thank me for not sending a picture. I’m a sore sight for eyes, especially in the morning. Oh, damn now I feel bad*(ly)*. I just flamed myself. Now I’m a hottie.