I should get a medal for that.
Sounds like November 2nd all over again.
I’ve heard the theory that if you belch, fart, sneeze, and have an orgasm at the same time, you die.
Makes sense; whoever’s giving you the orgasm will probably kill you.
At least you didn’t burp as well. That could have been disasterous. But probably not.
It just means you’re old. After 50, if you don’t fart when you sneeze, you think something’s wrong!
I thought after 50, you pee when you sneeze?
Or maybe you fart too and get a fountain effect, I dunno. Got a while to anticipate it.
I’m only 23. Is this the beginning of the end?
I’ve done that many times.
It’s really no great accomplishment.
Farting and sneezing at the same time when you are under 50 is normal. When you’re over 50 the farts tend to carry a bit of moisture with them. Watch an old guy sneeze, he will grab for the handkerchief in his back pocket, sneeze into it, then when he places the hanky back in his pocket he gives his shorts a quick tug. He is checking his shorts to see how far the moisture travelled. If it’s contained between the cheeks, he’ll head for the nearest rest room, usually in short quick steps. But if it made it to his scivvies, it’s too late so he will wait till he comes across some facilities. My daughter let me know how close I am to 50 (<2 years)on my last birthday, she gave me a box of monogrammed handkercheives.
Isn’t that what happened to Elvis?
Stop - I’m gonna pee I’m laughing so hard!
(But that’s ok - I don’t have to belch, fart, sneeze, or have an orgasm at the moment, so I should survive.)
The first person this happened to?
“Hey, there ought to be a law!”
I always call this phenomenon a “Systems Check.” If done in front of other people, it should be concluded by shouting out something like “All systems GO!!!”
I just had my gall bladder taken out on Thursday. Just the idea of sneezing and farting at the same time makes wince like guys do when they see other guys get wacked in the groin.
I’ve only sneezed once since surgery (last night) and it was very owie. The farts aren’t so bad once they reach the end. But them farts in the making hurt like all hell, and for about 30 solid minutes of hell too.
Never thought I’d be taking Percocets for gas.
It is if you can do it at will.
I remember watching a cartoon a long time ago as a kid, I think it was Ren + Stimpy, and Ren explained to Stimpy how the dinosaurs all went extinct because they all burped, farted, and sneezed at the same time.
You gotta wonder if that fart, like a sneeze, came out at 200 mph.
Given a shorter race, your fart might have qualified at Daytona.
My poor brother got sick at a picnic and on the drive home, he sneezed. Unfortunately, he didn’t exactly fart, although I’m sure he did that too. :rolleyes: :dubious: :eek:
Hey! Leave Will out of this.
I do believe the term of art you’re looking for is “Shart”.
[sub]Not that I’d know from personal experience, nosireebob![/sub]