I know we all hate these but...

I am at work and I am leaving in a few minutes and if I don’t do this now, I will forget and just start posting tomorrow night.

Anyway, this is officially my 1,000 post.

Do I get a cookie? No. Do I get a free mug? No. Do I get a tattoo that says, “Internet Geek”? Maybe. I am not looking for praise or pity. I just wanted to mark the occasion for my own benefit.

While I’m here, I might as well say some things. First off, I’d like to thank the Academy…no, wait, wrong speech. Here we go: I would like to thank all the wonderful Dopers here who have been nice and understanding in their posts and e-mails (I was going to name them all but I can’t even remember! I do want to give special thanks to purplebear, GaWd, Byz, Kricket, and Persephone), I want to thank all the Dopers I have met IRL (aenea, Cabbage, Mjollnir, Fretful Porpentine, and RTFirefly), I want to mention the two individuals (one poster and one lurker) that I have introduced to the highly-addictive world of the SDMB–Thasmodious and Medicine Hawk, and I want to thank everyone else for keeping me entertained at work.

Well, I have taken up enough time tooting my own horn–it’s almost quittin’ time! Feel free to view and not post to this thread (like I can stop you!)

You’ll get nothing… and LIKE it.

I feel like I gradgimated with honors or something…mentioned in an acceptance speech! :slight_smile:

I’m duly honored EvilBeth! I’ll be sure to include in my 1000th post no doubt!


Hurray for evilbeth!

Happy 1000 and many more :slight_smile:

and Congrats!!!

That’s what I meant the first time anyways…honest :smiley:


beth –

I’ll give you your award…
After I turn you over my knee!


Here, beth, have a cookie. Heck, take the whole can.

I see that UncleBeer is swiftly approaching post 3,000. Where do we ship the keg and the cake fulla naked girls?

I just knew there was a hidden incentive for posting on this board! Give me your best shot, sailor!

Heck, ship 'em to me–I’ll just hold onto them until he gets there!

Hooray evilbeth, fellow Southern fightin’ ignorance razor-sharp beeyatch! Many more to come, I hope.

Now, lemmee break out these hyar tequila-spiked MoonPies.

Now I am truely blessed.
You have been a wonderful friend to me as well even though you tend to beat me to the post! :wink:
You should take ChiefScott up on that offer. A good spanking is always nice. :smiley:
Go ahead and blow your own horn girl. None of us get to do that often enuff.
See ya at 2000! Congratulations.

What do you get?

The warm congratulations of us - a group of largely anonymous net addicts!!! Who could put a price on that?

congrats btw

Wow! Thanks, evilbeth for mentioning me by name in your speech. :slight_smile: I have no idea what I may have done to deserve it, but, sounds good to me! Many congratulatons on hitting your 1000th post! <which you may notice I did, and just noticed myself, oops!> So, how did we arrive here at almost the same time? You have posted many, many more posts worth remembering than I have, no doubt.

Here’s to many, many more! :smiley: :smiley:
<I suppose I should start a party of my own, maybe in the morning… or is it too late to, since I passed it already? I have no idea what the proper etiquette is on this.>
And, dpr, who are you calling a net addict? You talkin’ to me? Oh. Just checkin’. <What? I thought he meant me, but I guess he…oh, heck! He did mean me…> :stuck_out_tongue:

Net addict? You? Why? Just because you have more posts than me and you have only been posting for 4 months compared to my 10…

I know I’m really glad your here late at night~

Congrats on the big 1-0-0-0

Congratulations, EB! You are one of my favorite posters.

It looks like I missed the party, though. You’ve already zoomed past a grand.

Belated congrats, Evilbreath…I mean…Evilbeth!!

Smartass comments like the one above are why I’ll never hit 1000.

Seriously, only 4000 more and you can challenge Handy (who will be at 10000 by then, though.)

Aw, come on guys! Zarathustra’s lame-ass “GOODBYE” post got more than twice the responses mine has! That is just sad!
Thanks, Milo. I don’t think I’ve ever been considered one of anyone’s favorite posters!
DRY–I think my friends and family will have me committed long before I match handy’s # of posts! (At least, I would hope so!)

Gee -

It’s been 1000?

When does the “evil” part start to show up?