I like a fat girl!!!

I started dating this August after my wife died in June. Me and Connie discussed it and she had told me that she did not want me to be alone. I have met someone really special. She makes me feel good and excited about life, but she is really fat. I know that she was not always fat, I’ve seen pictures. I’m not sure how she got fat except that it happened after she survived ESOPHAGEAL CANCER. This woman has walked to hell and back and seems to be the better person because of it, I am amazed by her!!! We were trading stories of personal survival and she thinks that I had it bad because of my brain injury!!! Be advised: I am not with her out of pity or desperation, I dont believe in that, I really like being with her!!! Someone tell me what they think (please be serious).

Also, if anyone has advice on ways to have good sex with a fat woman, it would be more than welcome. I’m not going to ask Google again.

Be advised: I am not with her out of pity or desperation, I dont believe in that, I really like being with her!!! Someone tell me what they think (please be serious).


That says it all for me. You dig her, she digs you end of story. Good Luck with the relationship. Hope you have every happiness.

How to have sex with a fat girl:

  1. Perform foreplay
  2. stick it in
  3. move it back and forth
  4. orgasm
  5. you fall asleep; she smokes a cigarette

Repeat as often as you like, and are able to keep up

Roll her in flour and look for the wet spot. Then slap her thigh and ride the wave in.

I’m happy for you. And her.

And as for the sex part? It works the same, fat or thin. Most fat and really obese women have no problem whatsoever. But (sorry if this is TMI) some women, fat or thin, don’t have the abdominal strength to hold their legs up for long periods of time. A large firm pillow (like a floor pillow) under her hips would help.

Be very careful when approaching this subject. If you just bluntly say, “I think you’re so fat that we’ll have to use this pillow,” you are not gonna get any. Ever.

And don’t forget the foreplay. :wink:

Trunk, you smooth talker you, did you use that line on me in a bar about 15 years ago? No? Gee, you must have a twin somewhere in Birmingham.

A fat girl! No way! Really? Heh…okay!


I’m glad you’ve found someone that you have such a connection with.

As far as sex with a “fat girl” goes, it’s probably not that dissimilar from sex with any other woman. We’re not a different species. We’re just fat. So no porny type bouncy bouncy on your lap, probably, but sex is still fun.

This seems like a pretty decent resource. Hope you get to use it. :wink:

I think its just fine. I think its fantastic if you can like someone for who they are, and not let minor things hold you back. Think of it the other way around- say there was something about yourself you were really embarassed about, and yet someone liked you in spite of it. It is a good feeling for a person to be liked, and you typically get a lot of affection back.

No porny type, but if she’s confident (or just feels like riding) you can expect plenty of bounce.

I think I will just keep to myself my feelings on this;)

I’m not trying to be critical here, but I am wondering why you are asking this if you are completely fine with her. If you are fine with her then her weight should not even be an issue.

I am glad you have found somone to share you life with again. The death of a spouse can be really hard and I’m glad to see you have moved on.

Perhaps he still feels a little insecure about it. Sometimes it takes people a while to get out of their shell. The loss of a spouse can be really difficult- people who haven’t dated in years have to go back to square one. Perhaps he just wants to be 100% sure he likes her for the right reasons. :confused:

Happily married fat woman checking in! My husband was a lot like the OP. He’d never really had a relationship with a really large woman before me, but he really, really liked my company, and that was enough. Size can make a difference when it comes to sex. Three positions we like a lot (warning, may be TMI): “Spoons”: I lay on my left side, he lays on his left side behind me, and, well, tab A fits into slot B. You can do the rest of the math. Me laying face down: Well, that’s just it; I lay face down; he’s on his knees, between my legs. See remainder of comments above. Me on my knees on the edge of the bed: I back up to the very end of the bed, on my knees; he stands behind me. This makes for some really deep thrusting!

Okay, he’s been out of town for two weeks now; I’d better stop because I’ve been without for too long! :smiley:

Good luck, hlanelee! I sincerely wish you the best!

Because if he asked how to have sex with a girl without pointing out there’s a possibility of difficulty due to size issues, that would be a little weird…

Congratulations! Have fun!

… heck, other people are giving advice…

During the days of late pregnancy, we found that it worked best if my wife lay on her side with the top knee raised while I was in the more standard missionary position… don’t know if that’ll help you, but trying is half (well, all, really) the fun.

If you know what you’re doing, it’s not an adventure.

Another happily married fat girl here! My husband looked past the outside, just as it sounds like you’re trying to do. If she’s as amazing as you say, go for it. I know it’s a cliche, but it’s what’s inside that counts. We have been together for 17 years, not only because the sex is great :wink: , but because we can* talk* to each other! My advice for sex with a fat girl; don’t think about it, just have fun! And there’s a lot to said for doggy style…

Some more info TMI TMI:We had some trouble at first with the sex part, but I bought some extra pillows that came in handy and we found that if I put her legs in the crooks of my arms things work just fine. It also helpsto have plenty of air conditioning in the afternoons when the sun is on the house. :smiley:

I also bought a book called Big, Big Love , I forget the author but she is really funny. It’s given me some things to think about!!!

Just out of curiosity how big is she?

First one to invoke Henny Youngman gets the paddle.