Anyhoo, I figured since I replied to a post after an insanely long time not bothering to check the boards I might as well do a sort of “I’m back, WORSHIP ME” type post going on. For the maybe 2 people who’d care shrugs.
Anyhoo, I figured since I replied to a post after an insanely long time not bothering to check the boards I might as well do a sort of “I’m back, WORSHIP ME” type post going on. For the maybe 2 people who’d care shrugs.
Welcome back. What’s going on in the lab these days?
[sub] PS - Weren’t you the guy who wanted to make the army of monkeys with glowing genitals? :p[/sub]
Oh, it’s you again, thought you’ld been eaten by the raging monkeys in 28 days after. Nice to see you aren’t a zombie.
Glad to see your coworkers haven’t managed to kill you through their negligence.
Ha! Three people care.
Glad to have you back.
Welcome home.
<— gets warm fuzzy feeling.
Actually I left San Antonio. I moved to Shreveport, LA and I’m now working in a Herpes lab – we work on Equine Herpes Virus (a RESPRATORY virus you freaks!) in a mouse model.
:eek: I’ve harvested more mouse organs the last few weeks than I ever imagined!
My boss and coworkers are great! We have a BLAST in the lab.
As for the lab, I’m in a department that just recieved a 8.9 million dollar (after facility fees and what not) 5 year grant… ontop of being a generally excellently funded department.
Shreveport is fun, drive through liquor stores, casinos, and a pay raise
Also, I’m HIGHLY confident I’ll be entering the graduate program here, which is INCREDABLY exciting. It’s a well funded department with some huge names in virology…
And it’s nice being out of San Antonio… It was getting really depressing with me seeing things that kept reminding me of … umm stuff.
I wonder if I should be worried that you’re only about 70 miles from me. Reading your lab stories before was entertaining. Knowing what goes on that close to home is scary.
The mad scientists of this world just can’t get no respect!
Well if it makes you feel better, I’m wokring with a TOTALLY NON INFECTUOUS virus now. However I do work with radioisotopes now
So at least you’ve got a head start on that whole glowing monkey genitals thing, then. It’s nice when someone gets ahead in their work like that.
Seriously, welcome back. I too miss the tales of hijinks in the lab, scary though they were. But I’m with Homebrew, I think. The stories were much funnier when you were farther away.
Where do I sign up to get a monkey with glow-in-the-dark genitals?
Well, wherever you were and whatever you’re doing, it’s always nice to have the mad scientists on board around here.
And I wouldn’t care if you were my next door neighbor, I want my glowing monkey balls!
Wait a minute. You left that other lab, with the really scary shit, in someone else’s hands? Do not tell me it is being operated by one of your less competent coworkers? :eek:
Blood player, are you?
Glad you’re back - and glad you are happy.
And hey! You’re a whole lot closer to New Orleans now!! It’s all good!
The whole lab (boss + his wife + grad student) went to Houston… So I’m guessing they’re much safer there. Provided they don’t hire crazy people to do the hot work.
** Johnny L.A.**Blood??! Eh? I thought the line “I Live… Again” was from Evil Dead 3.
DeVena Yeah getting closer and closer to the promised land!
Probably is. Blood (one of my favourite games, although I can’t play it since I changed my computer a few years ago) did use references from Evil Dead (probably the third) and Se7en.
I prefer not to imagine mouse organs at ALL, thank you very much. :eek: I hate looking at male rodents walk, even though I’m female I cringe when I see them dragging their balls across whatever surface they’re going over.
But it’s good to see you back. Radioisotopic mousie nuts and all.
I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta say it.
Shreveport is surprisingly far from New Orleans. I’m too tired to look up mileages, but I was surprised how far it is (my brother went to school up that way for a year) because Louisiana doesn’t seem that big. I guess with it being next to huge-ass Texas on the map it looks smaller. It doesn’t help, either, that I did most of my growing up smack in the middle of Texas and still think it’s seriously cool to cross a state line. Ooh, look, we’re in Mississippi!!!
San Antonio is about eight to nine hours from New Orleans. I know, because I was there a week ago. Great trip, loooooong drive.
One of these years, somebody more organized and capable than I should organize a Louisiana Dopefest. Hell, we’ve got New Oreleans, where BETTER for a Dopefest?