I Locationed - Have you? A thread with a Community Benefit

And a perfectly cromulent location it is.

Though I’m not seeing any penguins.

Thanks for playing. I had no idea you were down there. Another cool place on my list.

I have locationed. And also removed a website link that was 15 years out of date.


We used to have an online map, year ago, I think showing the location of each doper, I wonder if it still exists and if it works now that we moved to discord. Probably it had it’s own database so it should still work if it exists, but it’s probably horribly out of date.
As far as I know there have been only 2 dopers from Argentina, myself and Estilicon, who was from the north, but he hasn’t posted in years :’(.
Ale is from Uruguay but he moved to Thailand years ago.
So I think I’m the only doper in the “Southern Cone”.

I did the location thing a while back.

Yours was always real hard to figure out too. :wink:

Some folks hide stuff. Some folks hide stuff in plain sight. Other folks attach neon arrows pointing right at it! :slight_smile:

I see penguins! But only when using my laptop, not in my phone.

Now I see the penguins! And a darn fine flock it is.

I wondered what that box in my profile did. Thanks NP.

(and before I mislead anyone, I fiddled with the profile background and user card background settings then reset both to “none”. Nothing for others to see from me.)

I’m delighted that the penguins are found. Those are gentoos in the Falklands.

Did you go there to see them in person or is that a file photo you found someplace?

You’ve persuaded me to add a header photo to my profile too. Thanks!

Located, even though I blather enough about where I’m from.

Hey, I’m one of the cool kids who had figured out to location on discourse before this thread :sunglasses:. But I missed the biography, interests and signature fields we had on the old board, but only in this thread was made aware of the “about me” field in the new profile. So I recycled my old, somewhat lame joke of a biography. 'Twas a good song, though.

Biography my butt; I just want to know who does your hair. Ausgezeichnet! :wink:

Public Service Announcement: At least here in the USA if you Google to check your misremembered spelling of the word as [Ausgesiechnet] you will have an NSFW surprise. So don’t do that.

:slight_smile: It’s not like mine is too obscure either. Just a few signs pointing to where I live beside my location. I may have been known to mention my location on occasion too.

Well to be honest, in the times of Covid I do my own hair with an electric trimmer, and it’s significantly shorter. But I swear that I looked a lot like this in my twenties (sans tie of course :wink:).

My location field is now populated. Rather than re-use the last one from the old site, I’ve re-used one from a special interest board which no longer exists.

I have seen any dewey decimals yet. Has anyone?

This is probably the most significant site in my town. Actually that one is already dated. It has been redone.

This would be the other choice:

Not I. I thought about posting my MGRS which have the cool feature that they come in adjustable resolutions so you can be both factually accurate and vague simultaneously. Plus mysterious since nobody but a military veteran or a geo-geek would recognize MGRS.

But by luck of the draw that doesn’t work well for my particular spot on the globe. I could certainly post some false nearby MGRS, but that sorta defeats the purpose. If I’m making stuff up, I’ll just make stuff up.

As to your horn antenna, wow is that an iconic gizmo with a cool history of great scientific significance. For the curious, see also

In all fairness, dozens of dopers have been to my house and it is only my house for 2 more weeks or so. So what the heck.

The other pick is Bell Labs itself. Now Bell Works.