Oh God, I love this TV show. Why is it so hilarious. I have to say I really enjoy it. When I first saw about it, I figured it would be some kind of cheap commentary about the right-wing in America, but really it 's more than that. In fact, Stan’s right-wingedness doesn’t come up so often. I’d say that he’s essentially enthusiastic about living up to his dreams for himself or the family at all costs. It’s seriously my favorite animated show now.
I think what makes it so good is that it is indeed similar to Family Guy, except all of their episodes are very much plot-driven. There are very few throw-away gags, if any at all. I suppose this was a conscious choice on the part of Seth McFarlane in order to keep the two shows seperate.
Roger the Alien. Holy crap is he good. The episode where he tries to hit on Steve’s girlfriend is classic. His attempt at being self-important at a cheap restaurant is great.
“I had reservations for two at 9”
“We don’t take reservations”
I also love Stan’s reaction to Steve’s fat girlfriend.
“This is MY food…Go find your own”
After she shows a penchant for handguns he says,
“You know, you’re alright, big stuff”
Any scene where Stan shows an extremely uncharacteristic knowledge of hip-hop culture is hilarious.
Of all of my favorite scenes, however, was the one where they got stoned off of a marijuana fire. The image of Stan staring at the chips was priceless.
“Why do my wrists hurt?”
“You’re lying on them!”
“How can you hear what I’m thinking!”
I think the show is best when it’s not being preachy. It does make fun of the right wing, but it also makes fun of the left wing as well through the Haley character. She goes to get in tune with nature with her Sidekick.
I also love it when Stan goes off on an inexplicable train of thought. In the episode where they think there’s a nuclear war, and they hide in the woods, the family is almost killed by a bear before a woodsman named buckle saves them. They go off to his house leaving stan with the bear, feeling dejected because he was no longer the provider.
“Aww come on kids! You’re gonna miss it when the baby bears come looking for their mama! Hopefully not too young…forced to grow up too fast…looks at bear Nope, bear testicles…man bear…There’s no room for you in our stories!..Hey wait up!”
Stan’s childish moments are the best.
Anyone want to share anything else?