I Pit FinnAgain

For overuse of the term “troll” - These are posts between October 2006 and now. Has anyone else used “troll” as many times?

I did a “FinnAgain” search for posts and just copied the ones where the word troll is used. Some of these may be legitimate claims but when was he been elected troll guardian of the boards?

12-17-2006, 02:51 PM
The OP is rather obviously a** troll**, and I’d wager that there is no ex “girlfriend”, no boyfriend she went back to, no nothing. He’s just trying to stir up shit.

I’ve often wondered what point trolls like him have for posting shit like that? Why stay on a board when you’ve made it perfectly obvious that the people, moderation, and guiding ethos are all horrible? Maybe it’s due to the fact that this shit-stupid troll can’t understand why “getting a rise out of people” or stirring up shit “because you like battle” are bad things and are covered under the umbrella term of trolling?

12-03-2006, 11:01 AM

Stupid lying troll, do you think your own words vanish?
11-26-2006, 06:40 PM

For the record, Carol reminds me, strongly, of a troll that shit all over another message board I occasionally posted to. If Carol ever starts claiming to be European royalty, I’m running for the hills.
11-14-2006, 05:14 PM

We do need some new nominations. Bible Man seems to have trolled himself out and gone off to greener pastures for idiots, and CBescapee is a filthy bigot, but he’s a one trick pony filthy bigot who gets old fast. I’ve not seen anybody as purely dumb, as, say, the deservedly banned Updike.

11-15-2006, 01:00 PM

If we’re voting; I’d say that kaylasdad99, drunk, and beaten over the head with a club would still be worth ten of this jerk-troll OP.
You really are too stupid for words, aintcha, little bigoted piece of garbage? Insult me all you like, fool. I certainly don’t place any weight in the words of a **trolling ** bigot.

10-30-2006, 10:28 AM

Bye bye crazy-lying-troll.

Huh? Why and how did you even notice this? Are you the troll guardian guardian?

Perhaps you could link to the examples in question?

So you don’t care if they’re accurate (or that many other people made the same claims in some of your non-linked threads), you can’t bring this up in the recent Pit thread that most likely sparked your comments, and you include one where I’m talking about a troll on an entirely different message board?

I don’t know what to tell you. We’re allowed to call trolls out now. I did. I’m not sure what your objection is if you admit that you don’t care if my accusations were true or not.

If all you’re doing is pitting me for stylistic rigidity… ah well?

The first was from the thread where some guy talked about smacking his ex girlfriend around as the end of his OP. The agreement there seemed to be that the OP was trolling, I certainly wasn’t the only one to make that claim.

The second, I believe, was from a thread on Aeschines. There was debate there, with some people believing he was just a jerk and not a troll and, IIRC, a few others who believed he is a troll.

The rest, I think are from my Pit thread which is still on the front page.


Wait…weren’t those last three all in the same thread about the same person? Granted, it lacks imagination, but at least it was honest. So he called a troll a troll. Three times. Cutesy allusions to trip trapping across bridges and goats get old.

Since when did you become guardian of acceptable vernacular?

I would pit jali for trollesque re-Pitting of troll overusage, but it is the time of Peace and Love.

Why can’t we all just get along, without all of this verbal Apartheid?

Obviously Jackmannii is just being a troll.

Troll, troll, troll your post
Fiercely down the thread
Verily verily verily verily
Trolls should not be fed.



Looking at the dates and post numbers, the 11-14-06 and 11-15-06 posts can be from the same thread, but other than that, no two are from the same thread. So five distinct threads are represented in jali’s list, assuming he’s accurate.

Actually, none of them are. You initiated your Pit thread yesterday, and the most recent post listed by jali was over a week ago.

So make that six distinct threads where you’ve accused people of trollery.

That’s a great deal of trollspotting for a two-month period. Obviously, the question of accuracy should be paramount. Your current Pit thread prompted widespread agreement that your accusation of trolling there was completely unfounded. Can’t speak to the other five threads.

Since trolling is a bannable offense, I’m a bit chagrinned at the recent rash of less-than-compelling troll spotting. Before the ban was lifted, it was up to a moderator to designate someone a troll. Now, if you piss someone off, they can run around screaming “troll! troll! troll!” and create a feedback loop of presumed smoke/fire.

I think it’s an accusation one should be careful of making, rather than simply another way of saying someone’s an asshole. FinnAgain is one of many people who makes such accusations far too lightly.

I have never, ever, ever called anybody a troll when I merely thought they were an asshole. Nor have I ever made such an accusation lightly. Nor have I been wrong yet.

Actually we took a secret poll and we did elect FinnAgain to the high and honorable position of Guardian against the Trolls. You must of missed the announcement. :wink:

He has been correct most of the time. When other posters suggest he might be wrong, he usually takes the defense into consideration and has backed off the trolling call at least once that I know of. What harm is he doing that it is worth a pitting. Do you have a problem with any specific one.

I disagree with what he said about CBescapee, but he did not call him a troll in your quote and I do not know the context of the post. It may be that he apologized for it later, or explained better in the thread.

I recognize many of your quotes, and I believe he was actually correct in those cases about the poster being either a troll or a sock.


Can you point to a Cite of the warning or banning of your latest target? IOW, I do think you are wrong when the administration does not ban him for trolling, it is not as clear as you think it is.

When I do a pitting the assholes many times do betray troll behavior and do get a warning, suspension or banning.

I took a look at your posts lately and overall I do have to agree that you are trying to kill a fly with a bazooka.

Unfortunately it’s the Og’s honest truth. The quote, I believe, that prompted me to say that was:



I can’t read that as anything other than a bigoted statement. Change the negative descriptors to anything you want, and the object of the preposition to any race, ethnicity, or nation you want. In my view, it remains bigoted.

Those are two separate issues though Gigo. Look at the delay, for instance, between DRMark 2000’s beginning and when he was finally banned for trolling. And he did nothing but troll. Look at Bible Man, undoubtedly a troll, who still hasn’t been warned or banned for being a troll.

Likewise, I have spoken to the GD mods on a few occasions and they generally error on the side of believing that a poster is stupid rather than deliberately using dishonesty in order to stir up shit.

If the mods, for instance, had never banned DRMark 2000, would that mean he wasn’t a troll?

And yet not all do, and not immediately. It took quite some time after I pitted Updike before he was banned. And he wouldn’t have been banned if he hadn’t been stupid enough to pretend that his parents had died on 9/11. Sevastopol has a Final Warning for trolling by Jew-baiting, but has not, to my knowledge, ever been warned for his trolling tactics in GD.

Heck, tomndebb has said numerous times that he believes that Badchad is a troll, or at least often acts as one, and yet chad hasn’t been warned, suspended, or banned. tom has even gone as far as to state that he hasn’t pushed his view with the other mods in discussion.

The mods do a good job, but they’re hardly infallible. Sometimes they gives trolls too much leeway. Sometimes they think they might be trolls, but don’t do anything about it. Sometimes they’re not sure, and err on the side of caution. And if someone is a long time member, that definitely plays a part.

When asked to trust the judgment of the mods over my own, I choose my own every time.

On that point, I’d probably have to agree.

Oh, I remember that thread now. He might be bigoted against Americans but probably no more than many others are bigoted against certain groups. He is not a one-trick pony however. Check his posting history before and after that event and you will see that he is not a one-trick pony.

I just found the RTF thread in the pit. I think you are wrong on this troll call too. I do not see RTF as a troll. Very much opposed to your position and unwilling to accept your cites, but not a troll. I do think he is posting just to getting a reaction from you or others. I think he believes his position and not very open to it being wrong.


Still they gathered warnings, since there is not even a warning here I have to err on the side that thinks you are wrong in this case.

Fine, still you were in the long run wrong when you told me that I was wrong in assuming israel was going to overreach in Lebanon and turn that into a fiasco.

You need to remember that in a pitting you are counting in the support of what is obious, when suddenly a good number of dopers and moderators tell you are going overboard there is a time one has to consider the possibility one is wrong.

It is not too hard really.


So . . . everyone you’ve accused of being a troll has subsequently been banned for trollery by the mods? No? Then you have been *wrong *that many times.

Several things. First off, in some cases the warnings were tangential, sevastopol getting a warning for trolling in the Pit, not the trolling he does in GD. Updike getting banned for a one-off instance that did not reflect a pattern of behavior.

Second, why do you place the mods’ judgment in the position you do? I’m honestly curious, as it seems like a bandwagon fallacy. I mean, so the mods don’t hold a certain view… so?

Gigo, I have never claimed to be infallible. Neither is that debate at all germane to this thread.

Oh, I always consider all possibilities. However, simply on a factual note, no mods told me anything in that thread, and the evidence, a vast mountain of it, all supports my conclusions. Many people who disagreed, actually, explicitly stated that they knew little to nothing about the subject that was being trolled. If you don’t know about the facts, you can’t know if someone is lying in order to argue.

Moreover, just because many people don’t see something doesn’t mean that it’s not obvious, or that it’s wrong. There are all sorts of obvious things that aren’t believed. You’ll still find many people, for instance, who believe you’re supposed to treat a burn by putting butter on it. Obviously, butter does nothing to treat soft tissue damage. But if you happened to be in a room full of believers in that old wives’ tale, would you err on the side of believing that butter can help heal a burn?

I would no more hold a position because it is agreed with by many than abandon a position because it is opposed by many. Especially not if my views were arrived at by a rational observation of all available evidence.

Nifty non sequitor. Not everybody who I know to be a criminal has been arrested by the police, either.

And by what feat of magic do you arrive at this firm conclusion? Are the mods infallible? Do the mods never disagree? If the mods say it, it’s true? If they don’t say it, it aint? What if two mods believe it but three don’t? Three mods do but four don’t? Five do and five don’t?

Instead of saying “Then you have disagreed with some of the mods those times” you pretend that disagreement with the mods automatically makes me wrong.

As should be obvious to you, the labels anybody places upon a person, behavior, events, etc… do not change the underlying reality. Yeah, even if it’s a mod who places the label.

So here’s a :rolleyes: right back atcha.