I’m a pretty centered person. When I give advice, I’m not concerned if its not heard or followed. I certainly know that the people in the plastic box on my desk are, as far as my day to day life goes, little more than interesting fictional characters.
I’ve always been something of an outsider, so opinions don’t usually effect me much.
I discovered, when I was in nursing school, that I’m pretty smart, and have an affinity for medicine and science. School was a long time ago. I haven’t been inside a hospital for 4 years now, so I don’t study like I once did, so sometimes I’m a bit out of date, but I own my errors. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I might have to say I’m sorry, but, it isn’t the end of the world. I try to keep my sense of humor.
But you know, I thought I was helping, at least a little, when I answer medical questions.
Now for the whine… Yesterday, I saw this thread. I’m not there.
Damn. I feel like I did in fifth grade, standing alone at the far end of the Gym after everyone else was on a team.
Okay, that’s all. I’ll be fine tomorrow. Until then I’ll just act as if…
Well, if it helps any, picunurse, I have noticed your posts. I don’t think you have answered any medical questions for me (I don’t post many), but I have noticed you and that you try to be helpful. I might have even thought to include you, but I don’t post in threads like that. IMHO, and as you alluded to in the OP, they are a return to grade school. They seem like one step above “Do you like me? Check yes or no” notes. No offense to the people who participate in them, but they seem childish and a sure route to hurt feelings.
Despite what you say, you know we are not “fictional characters” and neither are you. I’ve had my feelings hurt, too, so I can understand your reaction. I hope you have shaken it off, though, and are feeling better.
Thank you, Brynda Of course I know you aren’t fictional, I just meant thatwhat goes on on line has very little impact on “real life” most of the time. Of course, I did marry someone I met on line 10 years ago :eek:
As I said I usually don’t let anyone’s opinion of me effect me, but sometimes…
I’ll still answer questions, and post my opinion, since I always have one.
I’m not there, either. I didn’t even have to look at it!..Nobody here knows who the hell I am.
ggurl I’ve seen you. Did I maybe answer a medical question for you at some time?
I know egocentrism runs rampant here sometimes. I guess it was just my day to say “Look at Me Now!”
So many threads just turn into “sound bites.” People so often just want to make their’s, they don’t “listen” to anyone else’s.
When I first started posting here, I remember making a very witty comment in some thread, and no one said a word about it. I was stunned! How could all these people not recognize my obvious genius? Well, as time’s gone on, I’ve realized EVERYONE is thinking exactly that!
I’m not sure why I felt it necessary to whine, but now it kinda feels like I’ve built a different club house, and “We’ll just make our own club!”
Its time to laugh at my pettiness, and move on.
In the thread you linked to I pointed out that I don’t remember names and it is quite true. I get away with calling people “mate” in Australia. So the only people I remember by name are dickheads or people with catchy names. You are in the catchy name group because without reading the post I know I’m not listening to a carpenter or a plumber or My NaMeIScOOl. I like them.
Your posts I mean.
I’m not in there either. And I have noticed you, picunurse.
The thing to remember about such threads is that they have multiple levels of self-selection:
with available posters limited to the habitués of MPSIMS and IMHO, while many GQ, GD, and Pit participants never venture there;
from those selected posters, a certain number will have been eliminated by being away from the 'puter for the four-day weekend;
and from those remaining available posters, many will choose to post or to not post based on their interpretation of what the thread is about;
and that limited selection of posters will base their posts on what personally motivated them to post.
I did a quick scan of that thread and found only a single reference to Qadgop the Mercotan, who has been looked upon as a medical “resident expert” for a bit longer than you have (and his reference does not seem to be based on his medical advice).
It’s nicer to be recognized than to not be recognized, but recognition is both ephemeral and based on rolls of loaded dice. I’d not take it personally.
I never post to those kinds of threads because I am thankful to everyone who “speaks” to me in a thread, and I’m thankful for everyone who makes me laugh, or makes me think, and to make a LIST! It would take forever!
I never even look at those threads anymore anyway. They never mention me, not that I expect them to, and they never mention my favorite posters either.
I just don’t see the point of them. Who cares if posterA thinks posterB is awesome? What posterA should do instead of starting a whole thread about it is to email posterB and tell them personally that they are great. It means a lot more that way, and doesn’t anger any snubbed poster.
I seldom open that type of thread, simply because it’s not possible to remember everyone who may have helped with some problem or provided a laugh. Nothing against those who start or participate in them, but that type of thread isn’t my cup of tea.
There are dopers that I like and a few I don’t like. There are dopers I have a great deal of respect for and a few that I’ve lost all respect for. I don’t feel a need to name names.
I promise, I never will again.
Everyone, I feel just like Sally Fields ( “You Like Me, You really Like Me”)
A number of us will like you even more after you post the link to the pictures of your nekkid self. *
*Now you haven’t only found out that you are liked, you have also been flirted with. Happy Holidays!
And if that is stroking your ego, I don’t know what is!
And, picunurse, I’ve noticed you too. As I have nothing of substance to offer this board, I surely appreciate those of you who do. Thanks for helping us out, sweetie. And keep 'em coming.
Just remember this - if you are famous you have to deal with the good along with the bad. There are very few ‘famous’ people on these boards who haven’t been ripped to shreds on or off the boards. There are a lot of people who just couldn’t deal with the ‘fame’ because of all of that.
Also remember that for every one person who posts to say they like your post, there are at least three more out there who enjoyed it but didn’t want to tax the hamsters by adding their enjoyment. There are plenty of posts that make me die laughing, but the boards would be impossible to read if I added a sign of my appreciation after every post that made me smile or laugh.
picunurse, I like your posts and your user name. I hope that you don’t so frustrated as to leave!
I liked **Gyrate]/b]'s post in that thread. Summed it up nicely.
You guys are great.
ava No problem. I’ll be here, and I couldn’t be quiet unless someone snuck in and sedated me. I’m such a disgusting optimist, I can never maintain a good pout longer than a day. Famous? I had my 15 minutes several years ago… If you were old enought to watch TV in 1990-'91. You’ve seen my face and heard my voice. It has never occured to me that this is anything more than a few folks in my family room having a chat, or playing a game.
John Carter of Mars, do you eat with that mouth?! Sorry, no nikid pictures, I’m old and fat and no longer wash and wear. ( not wrinkle free, that is) My husband loves me, but he’s a freak of nature.
Cinnamon Girl everyone has something to offer. I can’t braid my hair…or whistle.
Primaflora, you’re absolutely right. I, again promise to never again open a thread that implies there might be favorites in our little community.
A big hug to each of you. Oh, and by the way, you will never again be referred to as “fictional characters” At least not by me. Thanks.
Hey, I was watching TV in 90-91. How would I have seen you? I wanna say I know a famous person.
I was the redhead standing outside a yellow and green building (a brake shop, I think) In the AT&T commercials. I said “I’ve always used AT&T because its always been easy.” There was a longer one too. I’d have to dig out the tape for that one.
There were 2 commercials and 3 radio spots. I made $43,000 over the 21/2 years it ran , got 3 years of free health insurance and, had I died during that time period, my heirs would have recieved $100,000 in life insurance.
If you want to know the who how what why when and where, ask, I don’t want to bore everyone :rolleyes:
So you’re a television star. I knew we would want to see the pics!