After all, we’ve got a few things to celebrate- notable among those being Fionn’s victory over the GRE and her new navel piercing! And… assuming I don’t wimp out, my tattoo… :eep:
Anyway… when’s good for ya’ll? And where? I’d recommend, perhaps, Hula Hut. It’s one of the Chuy’s restaurants, so it’s not all seafood… but the floating patio is really nice, and it’s fairly large.
As to when… how about next Saturday or Sunday, the 7th or 8th of September?
I wanna go to BatDope, but you gotta reschedule it for Thanksgiving week.
I’m sure that will fit into everyone’s schedules, right?
I haven’t been to Austin in over 13 years… Can’t wait to see if Mad Dogs and Beans is still there… Gonna check out my old dormitory and the statue on campus of some general who looks like he’s handling his unit…
Sadly, Canthearya, Mad Dogs and Beans is no longer with us. After a series of disastrous attempts to avoid taxes (as I recall), they finally went under.
Anyway, either you’re psychic Lightnin’, or you’ve been talking with Fionn because she mentioned just last night bringing up the subject of another BatDope.
I’m all for it, especially if it’s on a Saturday, because I’ve always got my Saturdays free. Any other day, and I’ll need good forewarning due to work. And Hula Hut sounds great. Lovely view, and hopefully at this time or year, the lake won’t smell. So yeah, count me in and keep me posted.
But usually it’s best if one drives and the other sits in the passenger seat, but if you want sit in my lap and help me drive, I’m not going to say no.
Saturdays are definitely best for the out-of-towners.
Ahh, memories… Mad Dog ‘n’ Beans was owned by one of my good high school buds, Denny Doyle. I didn’t head off to college until several years after high school, and Denny opened Mad Dog sometime during my first year ('75 or '76). It was great to see him again and have a place to huddle. I graduated in '80 and moved back to Houston, but managed to stay in touch on visits until the mid-'80s.
Canty, the owl story is (Fighting ignorance since 1973) NOT true, but had wide circulation when I lived in Austin. As the story goes, a competition was held for the design of the Texas Tower, and an architect from Rice University won with his design (Aye, there’s the rub - it was a Frenchman from a French school). So the gist of the tale is that he clandestinely had a giant Rice Owl built to overlook the UT campus, which you can easily see if you look at the Tower from a 45º angle from any side. The four clock faces that adorn the sides, with their “eyebrows” illuminated, make it easy to see the owl.
I’d like to make it- it’s been about a year since I saw most of you guys. The 7th isn’t so good for me, as I have to work until 5pm, but I could join you guys after if the party is still going. My schedule is a little screwy, so I will defer to the rest of you to set the time and I will try to get there.
I’d like to come to this (I was just in Austin the weekend before last). I’ve met a good portion of the D/FW folks, and would like to hang with my more southerly brethren (plus see such luminaries as Ringo, Zyada, and Lord Jim again. Unfortunately the weekend of the 7th is not good for me, as I must work. I think I’ll be off the 14th though, if we’re haggling over dates.