Hal Briston and I will be in Washington DC on this day, in the afternoon/evening sometime. If anyone would like to meet, let me know, we might be able to get together for an hour, two, or three for a bite to eat or something along that nature.
Awesome! Barring something weird, I will expect to be there. I suggest somewhere Metro accessible, and if we have a large enough group, a reservation and maybe even a private room.
If I may, there’s a great burger place called Ray’s Hellburger (shakes, beer, and wine) that’s pretty roomy inside, in Arlington, a few blocks from a metro station and 5 minutes by train from DC. http://www.rayshellburger.com/ray-s-hell-burger.html
I’m in, and I second (or whatever) the desire to be close to the Metro. I hate driving in DC and avoid it wherever possible. Depending on the final plans, I might even make a sightseeing day out of it. We’ll see.
I have edited the OP to include some more details. I put the proposed Ray’s burger place in there. Others can feel free to nominate or suggest other places if they know the area well and then maybe we can vote on it or just say if you’re fine with a place.
That’s a good, driveable location for me, and actually a better option than parking at the Branch Ave Metro and riding from there. I’m good with Ray’s.
If FairyChatMom is right and it’s driveable (and parkable), then I’d like to come. I live a bit outside of the Metro area and would like to drive there.
I haven’t guaranteed that Ray’s takes reservations for large groups, but I will ask them this week. If they don’t, we could still probably do it as long as it’s not at peak time (so Saturday afternoon would probably be fine, Saturday evening might be too crowded to get a big table).
I haven’t been there but I’ve heard good things, and it’s in the same area (almost the same block!), so that’s probably a good choice too. I’ll call Ray’s this week.