If McCain loses, whose fault is it? THE WITCHES!!!

UN-altered reproduction and DISSEMINATION of this IMPORTANT information is ENCOURAGED.

Entirely too slow, which is why Skald will always be a second rate supervillain. The only thing I’ve found them good for is the meat, which is why I keep encouraging Skald to send them over. (Oh sure, he keeps saying that he’s moved on from Flying Monkeys, but watch, within a week, he’ll threaten to set them loose again.)

On the other hand, once I perfect my Laser Eyed Giant Mutant Dragonflies, the World is mine! (I won’t even talk about the Giant Mutant Flesh Eating Spiders.)
Oh wait, wait. The topic here was McCain and the Witches. Why does that scene in McBeth keep coming to mind? McBeth, McCain…Witches… There’s something in that. :wink:

African or European?

I’m SorRy, buT yOur cApitALiZatiOn isn’t NeaRly raNDOm eOUGh for yoU to bE ALLOWED to PosT anyMORE. yOu ARE hereBy baNNed FRom tEh iNTarweBS!

I know; that’s why I specified Christian wackos, as opposed to just Christians.

SomeTimes capitalization is Used to lend emPhasis to certaIn worDs, but sometimes it Can be Used for other purposes eNTirely. :wink:

FasciNating, yOu Really naileD it!

If you assemble all the capital letters in posts 81, 84, 86 and 87, and read the result aloud three times, the Antichrist will come.

And I know somebody will.

Hail Satan! :smiley:

If these witches oppose McCain and Palin, I’d like to know more about them. Is there a place where I can send a donation? Do they have a newsletter that I could distribute for them? Is there a way that I can help increase their powers?

And lastly, are there actually people in the United States of America who would or could believe this kind of I don’t know what----words fail me; stupidity seems completely inadequate. I thought that cretins couldn’t read—have I been wrong about that?
And are there truly any Republicans who would endorse or attempt to exploit this kind of pure fucking insanity? I’m ready to move back to Texas and live openly among the maniacs; there is no sanity left, why not consort with the insane?

My father taught me the proper anti-witch chant when I was a kid. Go to a public place and chant the following as loud as you can, over and over:

Owa Tagu Siam

I want a yard sign!

[del]e: didn’t read close enough, nevermind.[/del]

Witches made me post this.

+}{!5 ]^0s7 |-|4z 833|| 1337][|=!3]) 8`| 1337<|'b3|2\||+(]-[3%

:eek: HE’S POSSESSED!!!:eek:

Did anyone see this ridiculousness from Focus on the Family Action:

All I could think of is Ghostbusters

Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, “biblical”?
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

I like how they put this in with terrorist attacks. Kinda puts everything in perspective, eh?

They really need to specify which four American cities before I become concerned.

McCain knows how to deal with witchcraft,dont you worry your pretty little heads about that.

Oh yes!
Yes indeedy…Yep



Well obviously he isn’t going to tell us !
But the Witchcraft solution is right up there with sorting out the economic crisis,getting U.B.L and finding out what Santa Claus is going to get him for christmas.
(I’ve heard that its going to be a pair of trousers where the waistband fits snugly under the armpits.
and a new hearing aid but dont spoil the surprise for him)

Yes Sir I feel sorry for any witch who tries to get fresh with the Big Mac.

You’ve got to a serious level of apocalyptic wacko to get to be a spokesperson for “Focus on the Family.”

Couldn’t you have quoted a paragraph or two? Would it have been that hard to use CUT then PASTE so we didn;t have to click on this?