If you had to be executed, how would you like to be put to death?

Yeah, it doesn’t sound so bad.

I’ll go with Old Age vote.

See, now that’s just being abusive. For myself, I’ll take “perishing when Sol goes nova.”

Well, sure! Reasonable customizations are allowed.

Sorry, but you’re trying to cheat. The OP specified no tricks.

All joke responses shall be stung to death by Asian giant hornets.

ISTM that either of those methods would require that your consciousness be kept intact for a REALLY long time, like “figure out how to keep you as a brain in a jar indefinitely” lengths of time. And if they figure out how to do that, they’d still be under no obligation to keep you entertained for eons. So, you’d be technically alive, but stuck in a sensory deprivation tank for years upon years. Just like the guy who chose the guillotine, except those few moments of distress would not come to an end any time soon.

Old age. After living a rich and free life.

Nice username/thread combo.

I will probably be the only one to pick being thrown off a tall building, but I love heights and roller coasters, and the rush of falling, so why not. Being tnrown from a plane on the other hand seemed way too cold, though sure I’d opt for it in a thermal suit.

Another vote for nitrogen.

Can I choose the hermeias method? Extremely slow and ineffective poisoning over a period of 50 years.

Put me on the moon, naked.

Nobody has picked being thrown into a volcano yet, so I’ll go with that. I mean, it comes with a free trip to Hawaii, right?

I voted lethal injection because “as an old man, shot by the justifiably jealous husband of a supermodel” wasn’t a choice.

Good things are worth the wait.

I want a guillitien on the edge of a cliff so my head is in free fall as long as possible. If I’m ever suicidal that’s the way I’m going out.

Swap out that nitrogen bottle for nitrous oxide and I’m on board!

You want to die laughing?

Begin as you mean to go on, right? :smiley:

This was the first thing I thought of.

On their wedding night of course. This was the second thing I thought of

Skip the nitrous oxide, give me a La-Z-boy a good steak, Blazing Saddles and some Carbon monoxide or stick with the N2.