If you were to start an Ask the Thread …

Dude, you built your own house? Can you build me a dresser or something? My handiness ends at screwing in my own light bulbs.

my “ask the…” thread have been reasonably popular.

Most of the interesting factoids about me are just that: factoids. Not really the basis of any sort of conversation.

Uh. I’m a poet. That’s mildly interesting to about three people who want to talk about poetry and another twenty who want to post what they’ve written. :smiley:

Ask the Light Rail Operator (can’t remember if I posted that one or not)
Ask the Gringo in an Interracial marraige
Ask the Dorky Spaz in the process of being a less-dorky, less insufferable spaz :stuck_out_tongue:

Ask the person with multiple secrets too terrible to ever disclose.

Ask the man whose 17 year-old son had a massive stroke and had to be rebuilt from scratch. Exept most days I don’t want to relive it or go into details. It was a soul-crushing experience.

Ask the Former Magician’s Assistant

That always seems to interest people. Except the conversation usually ends pretty quickly when I say I’m not telling you how the tricks are done.

iiandyiii beat me to Ask The Self Published Author, and my book is only half done. Phooey.

Three years ago I was enjoying my thread Ask The Hugely Pregnant Chick. Turned out to have been a fleeting distinction.

I did an “ask the” thread about my job in a prison back when I was still working. But other than that, I don’t have any particular aspects of my life that I think people would be generally curious about.

Too late. Cracked did it first.

Ask the person raised by atheist parents who converted to Christianity and believes all that stuff you’all make fun of (a real Adam and Eve, God created diversity - we didn’t evolve from nothin’, hell is a real and awful place and we should do anything to avoid it, etc.). I’d do it if it would remain civil, but it wouldn’t.

Misread, never mind.

I’m boring!

No. Next question?

I’d be kind of curious as to what sort of training and skills were expected of a magician’s assistant. I assume there’s more to it than just standing there in a sparkly costume, but do you actually have to know much about how tricks are done? Be able to contort yourself into strange positions?

Ask the practicing Christian Scientist

Ask the Custom Picture Framer/business owner (not too many questions I guess. People do ask what the most unusual thing I’ve framed fairly often.)

Ha! Thank you for your prompt and succinct response.

I tried “ask the tall-ship sailor” a while back; a few replies but it didn’t go beyond a page (I don’t think).

Maybe “ask the curler” if I’d gotten it started before the Olympics.

Slight hijack- I just started using this fairly recently, and have had pretty good success so far, as well!

As for my “Ask the” thread, there isn’t a whole lot special about me. I make nail polish (an indie brand), and I get asked about that often in person, but there’s really only about 4 questions I ever get, so I’m pretty sure it would die down pretty quickly.

I adore your posts, so I would love to see this.

I’m so sorry. :frowning:

For myself, the only things that are left are pretty mundane. I suppose I could do a “Ask the Former Competitive Softball Player.” I have no idea if that’d be interesting or not, though I’m leaning to the latter. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Ask the wannabe jazz singer”?

“Ask the 42-year-old who looks 30”?

…yeah, I pretty much got nothin’. :slight_smile: