Maybe you’ve heard the new one, Preliminaires (the French word, there should be an accent mark over the first ‘e’).
I always assumed Iggy Pop would be a sort of musical William Burroughs because of the rumors or whatever of his heroin use. I don’t know any Iggy Pop songs. I heard something on the radio from Preliminaires and decided to grab it.
It is better than I thought. There is dramatic talk in French a la Paolo Conte punctuated by the kind of horns I’m a big sucker for. Some pipe organ. There’s New Orleans charlatanism, touchy-feely bass and percussion, Rob Zombie-esque production that they pull off shamelessly because everything stays so low-key… it’s pretty good There is plenty of talk of death, and the parts I haven’t caught yet could very well be some kind of dirty joke or story, but still- nice job, Iggy Pop.