[QUOTE=Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor]
Some reasons?
[li]Ignorance spreading like a prairie fire.[/li][/QUOTE]
In all ages, and all times, you will find sheep-like people who go along with the current system “It’s the law, so it must be right!”
[li]religious fanatics are taking over America[/li][/QUOTE]
IMHO, all religous people who are fanatics, are actually reading the correct interpretation of their religion. That is why I try and figt it so much.
[li]the Free Press is becoming a propaganda machine right before my eyes[/li][/QUOTE]
I keep on seeing news stories expossing how transparent the administration’s attempts to do exactly this are, so it can’t be that bad.
[li]Globalization, which is nothing other than a buzzword for Corporate Feudalism, seems to be well on it’s way to undermining representative government.[/li][/QUOTE]
Do what I do, attend anti-wto protest. It’s quite a rush. If you already do, then I don’t know. Perhaps write well written letter to tv station which present all wto protest as mad dogs, needing to be put down.
[li]the economy isn’t going to be better within my lifetime.[/li][/QUOTE]
Yeah, like the economy was so great in the 80s. Current state or not, you live in a country which has other countries (stupidly?) running to it for advice, and a vast majority of the people ruining the economy of banna republics bring the money back here, to our economy.
[li]I have a 3 year old niece, who is going to live through what comes next, and I can’t do a thing to help her.[/li][li]Mom & Dad, both old, sick, & quite likely to die in a few years.[/li][/QUOTE]
Compfort her, be an example of a good person see can remember when she tries to make this world a better place.
[li]retirement is financially impossible for me, ever.[/li][/QUOTE]
Damn. Same here. However, I would sugest you find a way to suplment your income, such as a better paying job, theft , or bartering for things you need, rather then gaining new mattierial goods.
[li]a whopping big heap of loneliness[/li][/QUOTE]
You have friends