Testing - can I post? :o
Hi there
OOh this is exciting
Testing - can I post? :o
Hi there
OOh this is exciting
Well, we always need a few supervixens – welcome!
Thanks, I hope Ill fit in here!
The loving are the daring. Dare to love and be loved! :o
And the award for Newbie Username Of The Year goes to…
Well I’m not really a supervixen, I’m not really that wild, but I thought it would be funny to call myself one. Maybe I should have gone with just plain Becky.
Becky G. please, it sounds so mysterious! And you’ll never stop the Supervixen rumors now.
… right there with superDasher and superDonder ?
First ewes, now vixens.
Nicely turned my good sir.
I thought it was quite Rudolph him…
C K Dexter Haven’s puns always sleigh us.
I’m going to have to ask you to rein it in, deer.
Oh, dash it all.
Isn’t there a claus in the user agreement against all these horrible puns?
Kinda. You have a limited number of chances to get in a good pun; if you foul up too many times, you’re gone. It’s called the Misses Claus.
I’ll second that!
Welcome, Becky G, Supervixen.
Yes, and the Marx Brothers referred to it in A Night at the Opera: it’s the insanity clause.
You can’t fool me! There’s no sanity claus!
Wow, I’ll have to find some good puns if I want to hang out with this crowd. These jokes are just poultry in motion. :o (sorry, the best I can come up with on short notice)
(just trying out something, ignore me) :smack: