I'm sick of Doper names that I read wrong!

I can’t take it any more! I’m sick to death of my inability to correctly read certain Doper names. :mad:[ul]
[li]It took me three months to realize that Pokadyne’s name was actually Podkayne.[/li][li]Saramamalana’s name has quite a nice ring to it when pronounced correctly, but every single time I see it I think “saramalama . . . ding dong.”[/li][li]I see TubaDiva but hear it in my head as TubDiva, which in turn makes me think “whatever floats her boat . . .”[/li][li]I spent my first month or two here wondering whan an “eblen” was, and what it had to do with television, because I kept reading TVeblen’s name incorrectly. (I still see his name as “TV eblen”, but at least now I know better.)[/li][/ul]
And so on. So KNOCK IT OFF with the Doper names that confuse me, ok??!!

(Wow, my third Pit thread in less than a month – and it’s only my fourth Pit thread ever – apparently, this month sucked more than I thought! :wink: )

Veb is a BOY?

I just want to say that I love your user name in this particular thread.

Well, you almost know better.

It makes me quietly happy that someone named “Misnomer” made this thread.

Oh you mean Pokeydane (mommy?) and Sarameloma and Tub Diver.

I ain’t got time for reading whole words.

xtisme is forever XmasTime for me.

If I read carefully, OnionEye becomes odin one eye.

It is Odin One Eye.

Assuming you mean Odinoneye. I have to reread it every time.

I always misread Spingears as Sping Ears, as opposed to Spin Gears.

And T Veblen (who is a female) as TV Eblen.

Oh dear. I didn’t notice until now that there isn’t an R in that name. I’ve been reading it as Spring Ears.

I think that was a whoosh. :slight_smile:

I also see spingears as spring ears.

Ha you’re probably right. Not a first for me.

BUt I did mention spingears in another thread, and I think he may easily qualify for the most frequently misread username.

Cecil has been Cee-cil as in Daniel Day-Lewis in Room with a View for me from day one. Ed Zotti (much more of a man’s name) is the Julian Sands character, out living life while Cee-cil is leaving a moist trail in the library.

This is why I’ve capitilized both words in my name. On another board, way back when I first got on the net, the capability to cap letters wasn’t allowed, and neither was an underscore to seperate the words in user names.

So canvasshoes looked to people like canvass hoes

Or canv assholes…

I always read mangeorge as mange ogre. Not that I think he’s mangy or an ogre, but I’m constantly getting it wrong at first glance.

Whereas any reference to Tycho Brahe’s silver nose is too cool for words and makes one of the cleverest usernames I’ve seen on these boards. (Along with Sue Duhnym (where IS she, anyway?) and other Dopers to be named later (when I think of them so I don’t get in trouble with anyone…))


I thought it was TV Emblem. I wondered which logo, maybe Zenith’s or one of the networks. I thought it was spring ears too.

I read that as man george. It makes me wonder whatever happened to boy george.
Then there’s man get out, or mangetout.

Damn, I thought it was Spring Ears too. I assumed it was a rabbit thing.

Finding out that it’s not “man, get out” was confusing…

Why, oh why, do I always see it as mangy trout??? :smack: I’ve posted about it before too, had the good gentlemen correct me, and yet still flub it up. Sigh.

Just like TubaDiver and TVwhatever. Sorry y’all. Sometimes my brain just shuts down (hush up peanut gallery!) and I can’t even finish reading it without doing the song equivalent of “mumble, muble” ya ya ya, we’re number one. No matter what I know to be true.

Such is getting older.