I'm stuck in my pants.

I do not want to be stuck in SilverFire’s pants…there wouldn’t be enough room for her as well, not to mention manuevering would be rather difficult. I’d much rather have SilverFire stuck outside of her pants.

This brings up perhaps the most interesting question in that as-yet hazily defined area of study, Topo-Linguistics. The primal urge to get SilverFire OUT of her pants is paradoxically expressed as a desire to get INTO her pants, where, as Narile has stated, manuevering would be severely limited, at the precise point where, one would suspect, freedom would be most appreciated.

::sits back, visualizing Silver wiggling in and out of her pants::

Man, whoever said hanging out for extended periods of time online is a waste of time doesn’t get in here enough.

Thanks for the mind candy Silver!

Why, Laz - she doesn’t know you’re a crossdresser, running around in women’s pants? ::D&R::
[sub] well, the other Laz DOES run around in kilts…[/sub]

Anytime, poohpah sweetie. :slight_smile: smooch

So I’m out of my pants! WOO!! I managed to wiggle out of them again. It took me about 10 minutes to get the zipper unstuck, then I cut away the rest of the extra fabric. I shouldn’t ever get this zipper stuck again. ::crosses fingers:: If I do, you’ll all be the first ones to know. :wink:

Grommit! It’s the wrong trousers! And they’ve gone wrong!

(There haven’t been any penguins lurking around in you vicinity, have there?

Oh my…wiggling into and out of pants…larger than normal flaps…people going without underwear…

Silver, darlin’, you got a way about you!

<thinks minds eye sits back and enjoys a smoke>

What if it wasn’t the flap’s fault?
What it the zipper just grabs maor than it should?

Won’t the pants have you by the short and curlies the next time?

Try wiggling out of that!

Nah, I wear underwear almost all the time. I did pinch the skin right above my underwear line though. That’s not pleasant. :frowning: And I did it not once, not twice, but three times. I have a love/hate relationship with my favorite pants right now.