I'm the coolest wife EVER.

Bought one of these for my husband for his birthday.

First keg: Grain Belt Premium

I love beer too, so I benefit. Yay for me!

Now if you bought youself one of those St. Paulie Girl outfits to serve him in, you would be a cool wife.

No. You need to buy me one, too.

You ARE cool. I wanted to buy my husband an electric guitar, but he beat me too it.

lno, whaddayasay we time our 3000th for the same thread?

Kinda like a simultaneous orgasm, but not really.

Don’t hurt me, Elenfair.

You say the sweetest things. I bet the boards will move for you, too.

Yep! You are a pretty cool wife.

If I may, my wife gained mucho ability points when she bought me one of these! :slight_smile:

Heh. Growing up on the west side of Cincinnati, there was an old refrigerator in about half the garages. You stick the pony keg (1/4 barrel, keg, whatever) in and pop a hole in the side for the tap. I’m getting all nostalgic. (…Burger beer…)

But yours is way cooler.

Oh Rue
nothing like the old 1/4 keg of Watson Bros raspberry beer in the basement.

And oh yeah, everybody knows the east side is where it’s at.

:smiley: :smiley: :cool:

All this and a Verbena connection?!?! you ARE the coolest! When are we all invited for brewskis?
(slight hijack… I don’t know any of your family from here… checking with my Momma’s friends… )

lno do you mean the tap or the St. Paulie Girl costume?

No, no, no. I’m the coolest wife ever. I bought my husband cookware and shoes for his birthday.

Yep…cool as ice, baby.
JuanitaTech, readjusting the tape holding her glasses together.

I’ve been told I’m the coolest SO ever. I have no recollection of this (it happened over a week ago, after all) but the guy’s all told their gf’s etc asap.

They decided to do a guy’s night out ™. I asked where they were going. I’d been paid and my SO hadn’t, so apparently my response was:

“You’re going to the strippers? Do you need some money?”


GarniGal wins. Sorry, Gazelle.

The Coolest Wife would not only purchase a keg fridge (although, it would have to be full-sized), but would have it delivered by a crew of 18-22 yr old girls in sexy underware. Husband would frolic with said crew for the afternoon, and possible well into late night, when Coolest Wife would serve refreshments.

I’m still waiting, by the way. :smiley:

She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!

Underware = Hardwear for your softwhere!

I’d pay for my husband’s trip to the strip joint.
It’s cheaper than him going to Home Depot unsupervised.

That kegger is way cool.

Strippers? Since I’m not into “look, but don’t touch”, (I’m more of a “scratch and sniff” kind of guy), for me, the cash to go look at naked ladies doesn’t come close to getting that kegger. Sorry GarniGal. You’re still cool for giving him the $$.

My GF bought this for me two weeks ago.
http://www.costco.com/frameset.asp?trg=product.asp&catid=114&subid=115&hierid=236&prdid=10032906&log= She is pretty cool.

Woah, bitchin’ grill! I like it.


We went to our ex-roommate’s birthday party last weekend at a strip club - and we’ve been two other times in the past couple of years!

That’s 'cause I like boobies as much as he does!!