I'm Up So I'll Start The MMP

From a pen supply shop through Da Jungle.

Basically like this …


Aldi pizza was dinner today. For some reason it just sounded right. Four meat variety.

Went to the bonfire and froze.

In years past, it’s been in the fifties and sixties. Tonight, in the low thirties. :eek: Nelson got to hang with some of his doggy peeps from the heathen group and I got to hang with the heathens, so it was good. I didn’t even pack the instruments because there was no way anybody was taking gloves off to play. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s in the 40s here. 'Beamette commented that she didn’t know it got that cold here. :stuck_out_tongue:

It is very smoky. Dangerous air conditions for all with recommendations to stay inside. I hope they’re able to get these fires under control soon.

Currently 27° at FairyChatEstates - warmer inside, but still - brrrrrr! We did bring in the spider plants and I grabbed one geranium off the back porch. Taz and Ziva were fascinated by it.

I think when it warms a bit, I’ll cut back all the now-dead stuff in the outside planters and I’ll sweep off the deck. Maybe I’ll pull out the mulcher/vac, or maybe I’ll wait till tomorrow. We shall see.

My car goes to the garage tomorrow for a once-over before the kids take it to FL. Their car is older and less-well-maintained. Roxy deserves better.

Kinda scant in the plans department, huh? Happy Sunday!!

Happy Sunday!.
It feels like Saturday.

It’s a frigid 25 degrees outside.
I ordered groceries yesterday and I don’t know why I picked a 9am pickup. It would be better to go later when the temps are in the 40s.

Finally got my son enrolled in classes yesterday. I was really pissed that he kept putting it off because the classes he wanted were full and he had to change his plan. I hope his advisor approves it or he will really be in trouble.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’.YAWN ‘Tis 46 Amurrkin out and N.O.S.ish, with a predicted high of 64 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Rain is allegedly movin’ in overnight. We shall see. Plans today are to deheathenate, head back to da cave for N.O.L., and, well, nuttin’ else much. I have N.O.L. (which shall also be sup) cookin’ as I post. Snausage, carrots, N.O.T., and cabbage in the slow cooker with chikin broth. I shall also bake up some rolls. YUM!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!


It was 22 degrees American when I took Nelson out this morning. I’m trying to think of when I’ve seen it this cold before Thanksgiving and it was probably when I lived in Indiana.

Breakfasted, puppy crate cleaned, sheets in towels in the wash fixing to do KP and put some more caffeine in the system. Sometime today, I need to go to the Boro to buy coffee and pick up tortillas ( I shopped at Aldi this week and while they have some good products, their corn tortillas aren’t fit for anything but dessert). Other than that, it will be making the bed and puttering around in the studio before putting a pot roast with carrots and red taters in the oven.

It had warmed up to 34 by the time we got to the grocery store.
I can handle 34.

Pantry and fridge have been cleaned out, rearranged, and everything put away. I bought a lot this week, I like to stock up over winter, just in case we get a big snow.

We need to vacuum the leave but I think it won’t get done today.

Just popped 3 punkin pies in the oven. It would have just been 2 if the “deep dish” pie crusts really were. But they’re never deep enough. I’m just going to buy regular crusts from now on and not worry about leftovers.

I’ve also got the dishwasher going and the cat box has been scooped. Go me! :smiley: In a minute or 2, I’m going out on the deck to behead my dead plants and sweep off the deck. And when the pies are done, I need to run to the grocery store.

So much for a lazy day.

Mom, an extra punkin pie sounds like a win to me.

Tomorrow is ‘yard debris’ pickup so I really should pull out some of the mostly dead tomato plants and put them in the bin. We’ll see if that happens.
At any rate, I will have to haul the regular grabbage out to the road today.

Some of the local restaurants are offering free meals to veterans today. Supper may be hamburgers at the local old-fashioned burger joint owned by some friends. They have the best burgers around and are very active in the community, so we likes them, we does.

the Newberg Community Band is putting on a free concert this evening over at the university auditorium that we might go to.

That’s about it for today. Happy Sunday.

Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated, had N.O.L. and have achieved nappage. All good things on a cool Sunday. Now we await the rain that TWPTB say are comin’ in this evenin’. I yanked some boneless chickin boobs and thighs outta da freezer. Chikin ‘n dumplin’s is envisioned for tomorrow’s sup. Both of us have a gnawin’ and a cravin’.

Since this is a Navy town, we avoided any Veteran deals. Both of us did time in the Navy, but neither of us like to wait for a table. So we’re chillin’ at home.

I’ve cleared the planters on the back deck. Then I swept off the leaves. And I ran to Food Lion. Since getting back, I’ve been crocheting and Netflixin’. Tomorrow, the yard will be de-leafed. The rest of tonight, I’ll keep crocheting. Supper will be grab whatever. All in all, it’s been a good day.

Much meat has been smoked. Beast eaten, pig finishing up. Cake for later. All in all not a bad Sunday.

Really cool photo shoot today; at an old salvage yahd in Souf Joisey. Besides the expected old cars, twucks, & buses, there was a decent amount of old Air Force iron, in pieces & parts. Caught sunrise on the way there & just missed sunset on the way home; though I stepped in a grass-covered hole & jacked my back. :frowning:

Moommm your idea of not much in the way of plans leaves me exhausted. As usual. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had my nieces over today, and it overlapped with a bad migraine. My hubby got stuck taking the gang to see The Grinch. Before and after I sorta supervised while the kiddos worked on unpacking. My daughter’s room is moving along, and I think my son’s room has organically grown more boxes, somehow. Hubby is now depressed at how little we accomplished this weekend. I feel like we chipped away at things, but moving sucks and I can see how it might be gnawing at him.

The wind took a break today and the smoke cleared out a bit. I think the firefighters got a bit of a break too. Tomorrow is supposed to be bad again. My uncle was a firefighter. My cousin worked with the smokejumpers. I guess all of this just makes me sad, a bit. It feels like the world is burning down. I hope we get some rain this winter, so everyone gets a break.

Feel better Spidey.

its cold early this year… its usually not this cold for another month here

So i have to call the gas company to light the newer heater …hope they come before spring this time ………………….