Important News.

I just wanted to mention off hand that Monday, October 9th is my birthday.

… so like, if anybody wanted to throw a party, or something …

Never mind.

Isn’t that also Exprix’s birthday?

Have you ever noticed you never see the two of them at the same…
JC, that is the silliest idea!

Hey Euty! Happy birthday in advance. You tell me, how in Hades are we going to throw you a suprise birthday party on these boards? Are we supposed to ask you to stay out of IMHO for the next few days or what? Many happy returns.


Woo hoo! It’s my sister’s birthday, too. You aren’t my sister are you, Euty?

Monday October 9th also happens to be The Batty’s one year wedding anniversary.

What’s a good gift made out of paper, besides money?

Tickets to a theatre or such usually work well, Jack.

Happy Upcoming Birthing Anniversary, Eutychus55!

Oh, boy, I love birthdays. Euty, don’t read past this line:

So, who wants to help plan a surprise party for Euty? We could have someone jump out of a cake, and virtually everyone could buy presents here.

We could write poems and limericks, and play party games. We can plan it here, but Euty has to promise not to peek.

And if he promises, then we’ll know he’s been peeking, because he wasn’t supposed to read this far.


If you want to score major points with your wife, how about a love letter?

It’s also Macedonian Uprising Day

…and John Lennon’s B’Day…

(I know these because it’s my sister’s B’day, and she was the kind who always said “Guess what day thi sis…” and I needed an answer)

BTW, happy B-Day Euty!

Euty, you were born too late in the month. But at least the right day came and went, almost blissfully uneventfully:)

October 9th, eh? Well, Happy Birthday to you! And, L’Shanah Tovah, too, if’n ya happen to be Jewish.

Much Merriment, Munchies and Many Moons of Meaningless Mushy stuff. (Have a great time Euty).

Spidey, you know that won’t be a problem!

Jack, I was going to say that books make a great paper gift, but Zyada’s love-letter suggestion beats that by a mile.

And happy B-day, Euty!

I agree, rjk. I’ve already begun its composition in my mind.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Euty.
Jeez, where are my manners?

Finally, some good news for a change. I’m going to have a big celebration for you. Unfortunately, I’ have no idea where you hang, so I guess I’ll just have to have it by myself.

I’ll be thinking of you though on Monday

Wow - Oct 9 is a Federal holiday! How exciting that you’re honored this way!

Have a happy!!

<begins chopping “Past Due” notices into confetti>

wow, you were born on leif erikson day!! i hope you have a happy birthday and the day off.

Oh sh!t FairyChatMom, you slay me!

Just bring your Peach Streusel Pie to Euty’s surprise party and I’ll be happy.

Well Spider Woman, I guess it’s up to you and me. Tell you what, you do the decorations and I’ll take care of the catering. Deal?
PS: Batty, fold Alice some beautiful oragami!