Laying cable, dropping the Cosby kids at the pool and, my favorite, blasting a dookie. What are the funniest or most inventive euphemism for taking a crap that you’ve ever heard?
I never expected to be more than mildly amused at the Larry The Cable Guy movie, but watched it once while stuck in a motel … and nearly lost it when he mentioned “taking the Browns to the Super Bowl.” Hadn’t heard that one before.
I got it from someone at the Dope, no idea who it was;
“Beaming down a Shatner”
Pinch a loaf
Logging on to the toilet.
My brother uses the phrase “rip a chimp.” I have no idea of the origins of it.
Because he’d often refer to the “Captain’s Log,” right?
I’ve always enjoyed “Fishing for brown trout.”
Somewhere back in the mists of antiquity here on the Dope, someone in some thread somewhere had mentioned something about some celebrity’s asshole boyfriend and how she ought to “chuck the turd out.” Ever since, I’ve often found myself saying …
“Excuse me, I’ll be back in about 10 minutes; I need to go chuck a turd out.”
Wonder if it was me? I use that phrase sometimes…dunno if I’ve used it here or not. I stole it from somebody else…possibly one of the comedians at Shatner’s roast.
Untie one and leave it
Push out a grumpy
deploying the troops
dropping the kids off at the pool
dropping bombs
dropping a duece
growing a tail
taking a constitutional
Pump a grumpy.
Drop a deuce.
Dump a load.
Choke a darkie
Murder a brown snake
Back one out
A MrSquishy?
… sorry …
Putting Mike Tyson in the ring.
Sinking the Skidmark
Honking out a dirt snake.
Dropping the Trainees off at Processing.
(It’s HILARIOUS if you’re in the Air Force, trust me)
I’ve also heard “Drop a Deuce” and “Lose five pounds”
If its a sound effects filled event, its “Riding the porceline semi”. Imagine the sound of a semi tractor trailor horn…
I thought that was for anal sex? Y’know, since you’re in there with your rod and all.
To the OP: dropping a deuce.
Obligatory Ron White line (since we’ve already had a Larry the Cable Guy reference):
Launching a sewer pickle