While Christmas shopping, I noticed that the season one DVD set for B99 was pretty cheap on Amazon, so I decided to finally check it out - and I have not been disappointed. I’m just sad I never watched it before.
Every part of the show is amazing - the writing is tight, the cast is perfect. Now my only problem is how to jump on to Season Two, already in progress…
I agree–we started watching it a month or so ago, fully expecting it to be terrible, and were very happily surprised. The acting on the show is so much better than most sitcom acting that it alone would raise the show above the competition, but the scripts are also wonderful.
Yeah it’s really great. I watched Sunday’s episode last night and it just leaves me feeling really good. That and Bob’s Burgers. A one-two punch of awesome, happy TV.
My favorite new show on television, and one of only things that I actively look forward to watching on Hulu. Great cast, great characters, great plots. This last episode with Doug Judy was gold, but they’ve all been really entertaining. I was just ruminating the other day about how refreshing it is to have the primary “bumbling sidekick” character still be a good cop.
I never thought of it like that despite him headlining the show. Yeah, they could easily make him the sole focus with everyone else playing second fiddle but they don’t. Scully and Hitchcock are the only ones I’m not that interested in but they work well in context of the show.
Holt is is great. I love the flashbacks where he has a mustache.
The humor doesn’t change much but the characters get much better and more human. Especially Boyle, who was way too much a fool. You see that more in the second season, though. Try watching some of the new episodes.