Infants Fly Free! Hurray!

A few days ago I poked my nose into the BBQ Pit for some reason I cannot remember, and was drawn immediately to this thread, the enticingly named Infants Fly Free.

Imagine my disappointment when it was not, as I imagined when I clicked, about winged infants soaring overhead, free, at last, to fly as they desired. No, of course it was some dumb old rant from somebody pissed that babies didn’t have to pay to fly in airplane, yet he was forced to listen to their squalling.

As if babies could pay. They don’t even have pockets! :rolleyes:

Well listen here, buddy. Just put your good old imagination to work and think of things like happy flying babies, naked and cute, zooming around thick as flies on a hot summer day. Knock back a few bourbon and cokes and a little boo-hoo’ing will just roll off like water off a duck’s back.

Babies! Let them fly free! :cool:

I thought it was bad enough when a bird would fly directly overhead and I’d cringe slightly, wondering whether I should have worn a hat (why yes, I was shat upon by a bird once; it hit my shoulder)… no way do I want to have to think about dodging a bunch of Cupid-wannabes! :eek:

Does that come before or after crawling?

I think you’re my favorite Mod of all.

Aw cute naked babies. I wish I was a braver person, I’d let my daughter crawl around without her diaper more often. By which I mean, it would happen sometimes as opposed to not at all…

The eagles they fly high in Abilene
The eagles they fly high in Abilene
The eagles they fly high and they Ptttt right in your eye
Aren’t you glad that cows don’t fly in Abilene.

Yeah, my first thought was that I’m going to start taking an umbrella everywhere.

Outlaw infant car-seats = infants fly free!!

Go away, kayaker. :stuck_out_tongue:

I bring up babies, most of you think of poop. I might have known.

Im’a need a big fly-swatter.

You brought up FLYING babies.

Oh sure, it sounds good at first. Then…

“Who left the window open? Junior flew out again!”
“No, we can’t buy a convertible. You know how that attracts flying babies”
“I want to pit parents who can’t be bothered to control their flying children”

They will have to establish “no flying baby zones” around airports. Bird strikes are bad enough, but “baby strikes”…? Even worse.

I want some of what the OP is imbibing. :smiley:

Oh, and on the topic - that flying babies pit thread makes me think of this sculpture:

I do not want some of what that scuptor was imbibing. :eek:

I love it. All the goofiness of the original pit title with enhancement from clever kidders. Whee! Let’s move on to flying felines.

Let’s NOT move on to flying felines. Unless you’re talking about King Moonracer.

A friend of ours said that there was nothing that couldn’t be made worse by adding ‘flying’.

Ants. Flying ants.
Snakes. Flying snakes.

Toddlers. Flying toddlers. Having my baby or toddler able to fly is one of the worst things I can imagine. Where would I hide the toothpaste and dvds and medication if they could fly?

Also, my three month olds do have pockets. Why do manufacturers put pockets on clothes for kids who can’t even move their arms on purpose? They don’t have any money, though, because so far they’re stubbornly refused to go out and get jobs.

Ha, you’re right Lissla! I amused myself one day when, putting baby jeans in the washer, I checked the pockets, out of habit (I have teenagers and a husband and the things they leave in their pockets!) :dubious:

But babies, nope, no quarters, candy wrappers, or jump drives. Maybe that’s where they keep their jet fuel.

But felines have the propensity to lose control and splash quite nastily on the ground, so that it takes a whole team to properly identify their remains. This is the origin of the song “My Cat, it has Three Coroners.”

You have to crawl before you can fly.