Insult-noun combos aren't funny anymore

And they were just barely on the edge of funny in the first place.


e: that was supposed to say bad word-noun. Or insult-noun. But not noun-insult. That’s wrong. Whoops.

Thanks for your opinion, crotchwaffle.*

*Note: I do not actually think neutron star is a crotchwaffle. Also, I will be using vaginalibrary in conversation as soon as possible.

You should see their special collections section !

And the oversized section!

I’ve always favored the Braille section.

I’m told the do-it-yourself section can keep ya busy for hours.

I favor the restricted section. And no renewals!

Thank you for changing my title, anonymous moderator!

I drive a 1998 shitbox, and I agree it’s not funny.

In another thread I called Rumsfeld a “Sopping wet clownshoe made of vagina leather.”

I think we’re at the point as a people where Insult - Noun - Verb - Noun - Noun combos are the minimum necessary.

I hear you… neutron star.

I’m sorry, but “twatwaffle” still makes me smile.

Weird. I just used that one today for the first time, ever.

What a buncha fucktards

If William Safire covered this subject in his “On Language” column in the NYT Magazine, I’ll bet he’d find that an early popular version of this combo was “scumbucket”, which dates from about 1980, I think.

Just stay away from the periodicals section.:eek:

Those scratch and sniff books are something! is available.

What about insult-noun offensive-noun combos? Because I’m really, really fond of using “fucktard douchebag.” Douchebag alone simply doesn’t have the right oomph.

ETA: …and since when the hell is vagina an insult? Geez. Whoever’s using that one is a total pussy.

Yeah!, what a bunch vulvabookstores!

What kind of fuckface shithead asshole doesn’t like profanity-noun insults? It’s part of our language.

Okay, I admit that some of them go overboard into Pretty Silly territory. That’s why I believe we need to standardize all of the authorized profanity-noun combinations, limiting ourselves to the following list:

Profanity: Ass, bastard, butt, cunt, dick, fart, fuck, hell, shit, turd, twat.
Nouns: Bread, cat cheese, chicken, cube, head, monkey, waffle.

For reference I have created a handy chart:

         bread        cat          cheese        chicken        cube        head        monkey        waffle
ass      assbread     asscat       asscheese     asschicken     asscube     asshead     assmonkey     asswaffle
bastard  bastardbread bastardcat   bastardcheese bastardchicken bastardcube bastardhead bastardmonkey bastardwaffle
butt     buttbread    buttcat      buttcheese    buttchicken    buttcube    butthead    buttmonkey    buttwaffle
cunt     cuntbread    cuntcat      cuntcheese    cuntchicken    cuntcube    cunthead    cuntmonkey    cuntwaffle
dick     dickbread    dickcat      dickcheese    dickchicken    dickcube    dickhead    dickmonkey    dickwaffle
fart     fartbread    fartcat      fartcheese    fartchicken    fartcube    farthead    fartmonkey    fartwaffle
fuck     fuckbread    fuckcat      fuckcheese    fuckchicken    fuckcube    fuckhead    fuckmonkey    fuckwaffle
hell     hellbread    hellcat      hellcheese    hellchicken    hellcube    hellhead    hellmonkey    hellwaffle
shit     shitbread    shitcat      shitcheese    shitchicken    shitcube    shithead    shitmonkey    shitwaffle
turd     turdbread    turdcat      turdcheese    turdchicken    turdcube    turdhead    turdmonkey    turdwaffle
twat     twatbread    twatcat      twatcheese    twatchicken    twatcube    twathead    twatmonkey    twatwaffle