Is It Possible To Block A Twitter Feed? [Need Answer Fast!!!]

See Also: This post.

For an example of the exact type of feed I’m looking to block, go here..

Need answer fast!

EDIT: I am using Firefox 3.0.15 and the damn feed seems to be impervious to ABP’s valiant efforts to slay it.

If you have firefox adblocker enabled, you can right click on it, and select Adblock and it’ll cover that image up for you.

*Dammit, that just got rid of the header!

That IS annoying. :frowning:

I know! I right-clicked on it and saw the option for ABP to do its thing, but then it didn’t do its thing and I wanted go all “Hulk smash!” on that damn thing!

That’s because the ad block seems to hide only img/* which is where the “Star Tweet Tracker” .gif file is coming from. I tried with adding the source url of the content itself, but that doesn’t seem to work either.

The twitter feed on the page linked above is using a CSS div tag of <div class=“box tweets”>, so you might need to create or find a Greasemonkey script that hides a specified div tag. I couldn’t find anything relevant on a quick Google search.

How did you find this out? And thanks for the info. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like a quick answer is forthcoming unless I can find a Greasemonkey code to get rid of that stuff and quickly.

EDIT: Would anything like thisor thishelp?

EDIT 2: And if they presumably would work, how in the world would I go about putting them into use? I don’t have Greasemonkey and have a <1% understanding of GM, so I don’t want to accidentally break the internet.

I looked in the page source and tried to figure out where it was coming from.

This is the general direction in which you want to go.

Depending on your urgency, by the time you figure it out it may be moot anyway. But the links you posted gave me an idea, and I tried it out in Opera.

Opera has an option to apply custom CSS to any page. This is a one-click thing that doesn’t require any tech knowledge. When I clicked and activated the “Accessibility Layout” the page looks like this:

If that meets your requirements, you can download Opera from and load the website in Opera, and from the toolbar on the top right choose User Mode/Accessibility Layout. You should be up and running in less than 10mins.

The picture of how Opera would show the page in accessibility mode resmbles how Firefox shows it in No Style under View–>Page Style. Which is how I’ve been dealing with it. An easy low-tech, if imperfect solution.

I’m very sleepy and right now am just looking for the easiest path.

Thanks for the tips though and if anyone can write a Greasemonkey script or such thing to block that cursed Twitter feed, I’d greatly appreciate it. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Now if you could just sign in to Google Wave and reply to the wave I started with you a while back, it’d be even more appreciated. :stuck_out_tongue: