Is rape the forcing of a soul tie between the rapist and victim?

What do you think about this theory?

It’s crazy talk, and distasteful in its blame-the-victim attitude towards date rape. What else is anyone going to say?

well, I suppose it’s not really this proposition I want to debate as such, but everything surrounding it, for example why someone would post such a thing. I think it would be interesting to get inside kanicbird’s head, no?

And I really wish that Kanicbird would get banned from the SDMB permanently, they drop the ability of the board to fight ignorance.

Wow, that’s absolutely vile crap. I didn’t expect or imagine anything like that on opening the thread.

In any case, I came in to say that not all “rapes” are motivated by the same purpose, so no.

But this reverse sin-eater nonsense is terrifying to me; an ornate Manichean rationale for the abuse of women. Either the rapist transfers his guilt to the victim or it was the raped’s fault all along?

It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out. Seems some of our Christians haven’t noticed that teaching yet.

Sounds like a bunch of new age mumbo-jumbo. Do you really have to ask on this board? The SDMB is dominated by fact-based, science-based, logic-based thinkers (for the most part). Take your question to another board and you might get very different responses.

I think we already see the inside of kanicbird’s head - he seems to have no filters.

Well, the discussion continued with

With that last part, I really have no idea where kanicbird’s coming from, but perhaps it clears things up for others…

I disagree. It is the sick that need a doctor. And while kanicbird is clearly way beyond ignorance into delusion, her(?) worldview is so beyond the pale that I don’t think it successfully misleads the actually ignorant. It’s a counterpoint to the sanity (in the main) of the rest of the board.

In a way makes sense, maybe, from the rapist’s point of view.

I don’t think it’s “blaming the victim”.

Maybe the rapist feels rejected by a female and rapes her and thinks, “this way she’ll never ever forget me”. And he’s right. The memory will be with her always…not in a good way.

Not sure I understand the religious guilt shifting or whatever…but the female may very well feel ashamed, maybe that’s the goal of the rapist.

Not sure how ‘date rape’ means the victim asked for it, don’t think I agree with that.

Overall it’s an unusual post, though, I would agree with that. Kind of like the ranting of a serial killer or something.

I think answering honestly would make Tomndebb tell me off again.

Mark me up as another unsurprised that this was originally a kanicbird thought.

That’s one of the more insane things I’ve ever read.

No, no, no. First, no. Gah. Second, why in the name of all that’s holy would you want to go there? That’s worse than misting a terrible fic and asking for brain bleach. That’s worse than reading a normal fundie preacher insane rantings - you want to go there? Argh.

What happens if you don’t come back?:eek:


I notice who posted it.
Then I go get a snack.


It is scary enough just to see what he types.

If we’re going to get metaphysical about this subject, then I would define forcible rape as an act of soul reaving, which is defined as robbing someone of their most precious, private possessions and leaving them in a state of utter helplessness and eternal despair. This is distinct from “soul binding”, which is more akin to creating a negative bond between the abuser and the victim – “Battered Wife Syndrome” would be a classic example of the latter.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should this be interpreted as blaming the victim, or justifying what happened to the victim, which kanicbird appears to be expressing. However, it is the victim’s responsibility to reach a state of mind where he/she can say, “It’s not my fault that this happened,” and begin to rebuild his/her life. Naturally, it’s easier said than done, and the sad truth is that most rape victims never fully recover – that’s what makes physical rape such a horribly despicable crime, because it’s a spiritual attack on the victim, not just a physical/sexual attack. And yes, it’s true that most rapists feel no remorse or guilt, but that only proves that they are sadistic psychopaths, nothing else.

On the other hand, kanicbird’s interpretation of “date rape” is utterly revolting; I’m not even gonna touch that one. :rolleyes:

Whoa…I’m actually agreeing with you. That makes perfect sense.

As for Kanicbird, I’d Pit him, but why bother? He’s shown himself to be pretty damned hateful, but I don’t think he realizes it. I don’t think he’s the normal “religious fundie”. I think he has “issues.” Oh, and remember that rape victims made deals with the devil, or something like that, if they conceive? Or was that their infants? :confused:

“Rape is the forcing of a soul tie between the rapist and the victim, the 2 are forced to become one.”

Given that sex has always been more about “soul tie” than getting my rocks off,and given that rape is essentially forced sex, I must agree with the above statement.