Is sex over-rated or under-rated

Some people seem to think that sex is over-rated but I don’t think I have ever met anyone who thinks it is under-rated. So is there anyone here who thinks that sex is better than people make out it to be and I am wondering what people think about things like these in fact

It can be both.

Do you mean with someone else, or by yourself?

I think sex is better than I make it out to be. If it wasn’t people wouldn’t be trying to hard to have it.

I think it’s better than the people who think it’s overrated think.

In other words, I think it’s rated about right.

Or neither.

It’s not the greatest thing in the world, nor the worst.

But there’s sure nothing else like it.

Under-rated. Not exactly in the sense that it gives more pleasure than people think, but that it’s behind all sorts of crazy behaviors that people often don’t consciously recognize.
Sex is far older and more powerful than our conscious human minds.

Well, if no-one did it we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

The desire to have sex is more than sensual pleasure. It’s about companionship, affection, and instinct. If most of those are absent, perhaps sex isn’t as ultimately satisfying as it could potentially be. And a lot of time it becomes rote and routine.

I personally have been alone for 99% of my life, I haven’t had enough sex to say one way or the other. The few times I’ve had it were nice, but I don’t miss the act of it all that much, it’s the aforementioned stuff surrounding it, companionship and affection, that I long for more.

“Of all life’s pleasures, sex is the most over-rated, and a good bowel movement the most under-rated.”

-Mark Twain (attributed)

“Some people seem to think that intercourse is simply grand,
But for overall enjoyment I prefer it by the hand.”

From a song popular in my dorm.

Hmmm. I’ve been doing it for 45 years, but I’ll need more experimental data until I can answer this question for sure.
Lots more.

Aaaahhh, the pleasures of Eros.

Seems like such a simple question, doesn’t it?

For me, when viewed clinically, there is nothing in this world more aesthetically pleasing than the sight of a woman in the throws of sexual ecstasy. If this vision comes about because of me, my efforts and touch on her body, well, I’m satisfied then.
However, when I consider everything else that goes with and leads to that moment, dealing with her problems, her habits, etc, when she becomes an actual person with wants needs and demands, porn and my own hand are preferable. Considering the current state of my personal life, there is a bit of blatant bias there.

When I move away from the detached view, the actual feel of a warm body, the joy of knowing that I brought her to that state, the affection and cuddling after, the companionship, the daily affection and affirmation, all that gooey pita emotional crap involved is what makes sex truly awesome and isn’t really crap even if it is a pain sometimes.

So the answer is it depends.

well they are both pressure and release :smiley:

Overrated by those who never get any, underrated by those who get it regularly.

Depends on the state of your libido. Diabetes has pretty much killed mine.

Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable.”
Lord Chesterfield quotes (British Statesman, Diplomat and Wit, 1694-1773)

Momentary? Add enough moments together and it turns into a nice long interval.

Position? He thinks there’s just one???

Expense? The Mrs. and I volunteer our time, and any additional expense generally stays within our budget.



Who is doing the rating?