Is the C-word allowed outside the Pit? {Answered: not in a misogynistic way or to insult. Not even with a letter changed}

I don’t remember the thread, I didn’t read it. It was the one you had to ask Ed to step in on, there can’t be too many of them in the Pit. Here is his post about the rule that is to be forthcoming about blaming drunk women for rape. July of last year, and if there is a rule that came out I missed it.

I don’t understand this part. Does this mean the word can be used as long as it’s not directed at a woman? What are the non-misogynistic uses of cunt that are okay to use? You are just begging for rules lawyering with this decision. If you have, as a group, decided this word is misogynistic why are you allowing other uses of it at all? Just reading this thread tells you it’s all about the word. All kinds of posters were on my ass because I use it as a swear word sometimes, didn’t matter to them, it was about the fact that I used the word at all.