Issue with Board and iOS Safari

It appears to go to the board (after the obligatory advertising tab) and then go to some facebook-walmart thing that you can’t get out of.

A person first complained about this on the Facebook group and I made some suggestions, but in working with it on my own iPhone, I found that none of the resets, reboots or anything make a difference.

Gets to the board, goes to that FB-WM page and you can’t get out of it except by closing the tab. Which means you can’t get to the board.

Thanks for letting us know. I’ve reported the bad ad to our admins.

Our digital ad guy is working on getting this ad blocked. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

If you leave your settings so that you are always logged in, and do not start on the column page, does this still happen?

I dunno. I don’t use my own phone for this board and I always leave my mobile device browsers in private mode so that it doesn’t retain information.

Other users with iPhones will have to answer that question.

You’re a member, so you shouldn’t receive ads from the message board. And you’re avoiding the main Straight Dope page, which isn’t a part of the message board and therefore has no clue whether you’re a member and always serves up an ad. I would think that would cover it, so you shouldn’t get the offending ad.

Right. I was trying to explore if either of those levers would get around this.

I’m using safari now, but I’m a member and stay logged in. All is well.