It's Jeopardy online test time!

Just received a notice about this year’s online test schedule:

Don’t forget to register early!

Wow, is this rule new?

That bolded part will disqualify a lot of people, I would think.

I signed up for the East Coast test yesterday. I’m hoping this one goes better than last year’s.

I wasn’t qualified to take last year’s test, since I had auditoned on the previous cycle. Seems that with every year I know less, so hopefully I can qualify again. Thanks for the heads up!

Lets see if this is the third year in a row my connection screws up in the middle of the test.

So, what’s the test like? Is it a simulation of an actual Jeopardy game? Do you get your results instantly?

(I know I could probably find this out on the site, but it’s more fun talking about it here)

You get your results- never. Most of the questions are of the harder variety and require obscure knowledge, much more so than the game.

Ok, I’m signed up. Since I don’t know anything important, what I do know MUST be trivia.

No, it’s not a simulation of a Jeopardy game. It’s 40 (maybe 35?) questions, usually a bit harder than is usually on the show, and you just type the answer before the time runs out. I think you have something like ten seconds to answer.

You never get the results, just an invite to audition if you do well enough. Basically, the whole thing is just a screening to see who gets to go and take another test in person.

I’m signed up. Should be interesting. I’m not holding out much hope of being invited to audition, but you never know until you try, right?

You don’t get the results, but the last couple years some enterprising netizens have copied the questions and posted answers (on jeopardy’s own message board, I think) very soon after the test is over. If you can just remember your own answers for a couple hours, you can go there and get a pretty good idea how you did.

I’m not eligible this year, had an audition back in the spring.

Dangit. I’m in the Pacific time zone, and I work on Thursday night. I’m off on Tuesday and Wednesday, though.

How flexible are they about people crossing time zones for their own convenience?

As long as you remember to translate the test time to your timezone, it’s no biggie.

I didn’t know there was a kids week on Jeopardy. I honestly never got too much into the show. It only airs at noon-ish around here, and, now that I’m actually home to watch it, I don’t have cable.

Anyways, I think such a show might be interesting to catch sometime.

I believe there are 50 questions.

In the two times I’ve taken the test, I didn’t answer enough of them correctly to be called. I’m hoping third time’s the charm.

I got my reminder email today, the tests are this week.

Time to sign in, East Coasters!

What did you get for number two?




Signed in. I know that picture of Alex is probably supposed to look reassuring, but I can’t help but feel he’s judging me. Stop looking at me Trebek!