It's the MDMMP!! (Memorial Day Monday Morning Post...Fool!)

So Dog Face invented baby back ribs way back in 12,988 BC. She dropped some bones into her fire accidental like. Up til then, she’d been eating Dino Tartar. All of the other cave wimmens were so thankful that they declared the day should go down forever in history as Memorial Day. So, there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, maybe I made somma that up. Or maybe a lot of it. Anyhoo, the Anachi’s will be honoring Dog Face. There will be large poke chops on the barbee and tater (N.O.T.) salad, and other good stuff. Life is good. What are the other cool kids doing today?

Happy Memorial Day to all the Amurrkin Cook Kids. Happy Monday to all the other Cool Kids.

I’m chillin’ today. No special plans. ACBG is seein’ a couple of patients this morning but says he’ll be through by tennish. Of course, I do have to pack for my trip to Sarasota tomorrow, so there is that. And ironing. The good news is, it will not be as hot as yesterday, though still plenty warm. I foresee some pool time this afternoon. It never did rain yesterday. Right now I’m drinkin’ coffee and cruisin’ the ‘net. Kinda nice to be up and have nothin’ particular I just have to do right now.

Dogface? Really? So, bbq got invented cause we had this klutzy neanderthal woman? I figured it woulda got blamed on a man. :smiley:

All I know is I finally get to kill someone.

Oops. Wrong thread. Sorry.

Well, if whoever it is really deserves killin’ we want to know all about it Smitty. Do tell!

I’ve just put in almost 2 hours in the garden, since it’s supposed to be another scorcher today. I’m about to plant another mess of hostas under the crabapples. Then I’m going to mulch the side of the house, plan what annuals are actually going in there, and start pulling out some weeds from the path between the neighbor’s fence and my house. Later I’m going to work on more containers, figure out what additional plants I need, and do laundry. This assumes my energy level holds up.

Oh…and swampy, the ribs aren’t a man’s fault because they turned out nummy. So there! :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, you know, the usual. :slight_smile:

Ok, then. If it’s a random everyday “That fool needs killin’” situation, then I guess it’s really not worth the bandwith. :smiley:

The kids have school today, so it’s just Ivylad and me for the day. (They’re in private school, which has its own calendar.)

He’s off getting his slow leak and tires rotated. I’m not sure what we’re doing today. Probably a trip to the grocery store and lunch.

Oh, and I will serve the first volley. BBQ is pork, people. Not beef. Were you raised in a barn?

Hmmph. Posted and my puter crashed.

Today we go to the MD parade here in town. It’s the last time #1 son will play his clarinet in public. Let’s be honest: it’s the last time he will play his clarinet, period.

I like the sound of the clarinet–and he was second chair w/o really trying. If only…<heavy, motherly sigh>

It’s damned hot here again today. Yuck. I need to do some yard work. I also need a day off from painting. Work tomorrow.

No BBQ in my near future, sadly enough.

I will be the peacemaker and say that I like BOTH pork and beef bbq’ed. I hear shrimp ain’t bad, either, for all the metrosexuals out there.


no school for me!!

Exams start tomorrow, so there’ll be some studying, but not too much. I’m one of those annoying people who just REMEMBERS things with fairly minimal studying.
But I have to work tonight :frowning: I think.

I have conjunctivitis… I CAN work tonight, but I’ll be germy… I’m trying to decide which my co-workers would prefer. Conjunctivitis is not all that miserable of an ailment. Not like stomach flu. but it is contagious. I’ve called in sick probably more than my share of times… but I’m contagious. I’m considering going in and being like, “Y’ALL STAY AWAY FROM ME. I’M DISEASED. so do you still want me to work?” (but i have a feeling the answer will be, “yes. get in the kitchen right now.”)
oh- and as for the birdy last week (I sort of abandoned the MMP after that.) he’s a parakeet (a budgie? he’s green and yellow) and we’ve wandered around looking for his home and we’ve put up flyers, but so far nobody’s responded. The same thing happened with the dog- she found us and we put up flyers, but nobody seemed to want her. With her, though, it makes a little more sense that someone would just abandon her. (she’s a real pain. I want to abandon her sometimes myself.) No pictures quite yet. He doesn’t even have a name (other than Bird Friend) yet.
I wanna hear about the killing too!

And… Dog-face? how did you know my sister’s name?!

Um-you might want to call your boss. I have had conjunctivitis, and am not allowed to work (as a nurse) while I have it-it must be treated for at least 24 hours with abx drops (abx=antibiotics) before I am “cleared” for work.
I have a suspicion that the food industry is the same way.

Sorry, but just saw the old MMP and wanted to reply.

BusGuy -yep, it was indeed Aurelio’s–and for once, it was perfect. Toasty cheese, crisp crust etc. Lately, the pies have been too loaded with cheese and gooey. I likes me some gooey pizza, but not Aurelio’s. It was delicious.
FCM -your basement looks great! It’s coming along fast, no? Your’s will be done before my kitchen!

Damn. My Wife doesn’t like BBQ.

She just might have to go hungry.

The plan was to make pizza today. Looks like I’ll have to do both now. Thanks a lot MMP.

Speaking of birds (Dottie did) I saw a bird this morning. (Actually, there were several birds, but there was this one that was special.) I wasn’t sure what kind of bird it was, but it was orange. Probably not a duck. I did a quick Google image search and my suspicions were confirmed. It was a Baltimore Oriole.

The Baltimore Oriole was a subspecies of Orioles. Then science people said “No, no it’s not. It’s just a regular ol’ Oriole.”

Then they changed their minds again and it’s a subspecies once more.

Those ornithologists, what a bunch of wacky crack-ups.

Taking a quick break - today will be sheetrock day. ** FCD** is finishing the dryer vent installation - we got a hole in our wall!! Just a little more on the framing, then the drywall will go up. Then it’ll look like a room. And I’m outta here…


Good morning everyone. Welcome to Memorial Day, a brief glimpse into what my life has been for the past week and change: a day to sit around and do as little as possible. Today we have family coming over for a barbeque, so most of the Rift family activity will revolve around preparations for that. Should be a good time, I think.

On Saturday my mother, my sister and I went shopping, to buy me clothes to wear to work this summer. Six new polo-type shirts, four new pairs of paints, one pair of dress shoes, and THESE bad boys, since I needed new sneakers anyway. So now I’m all set to go down there and die in the Florida heat. Woohoo! :slight_smile:

Rue, you know how ornery those ornithologists can get. :wink:

And now I’m off to change a cat pan. Envy me.

Good morning and Happy Memorial Day to all.

I’m sure we’re all (us 'Merikens anyway) doing a good job of remembering why this day exists. Let all raise a toast or silent tribute to those good men and women.

Hubby has just left for Home Despot. His list includes: new blade for our electric edger, a gas powered weedwhacker, gardening gloves for me, a new hoe, a new wheel for our wheelbarrow, a new lawnmower blade. I think that’s it.

I have just re-awoken. I didn’t fall asleep until after two, but kept having nightmares and strange dreams. These would cause me to wake up all the time. So, I slept in until about ten after eight. I was still having weird dreams, though, and my teeth feel like I must have been grinding them or gritting them real hard.

We’re going to BBQ chicken sausages that have feta cheese and spinach in them for chop-chop tonight. They should be interesting. We picked them up at Costco.

Other plans call for working in the garden because it is a huge weedfest. Huge! After the weeds are cleared I can think about what new plants I want. The only plants that seemed to have survived are the lavender and one of my gardenia shrubs. That poor shrub, however, is pretty sad looking. The trees I planted in the garden are doing well though. I have a coral bark maple, Japapenes Lacelfeaf maple, and a weeping pussywillow tree in the garden as well. The pussywillow and coral bark need to be pruned and are absolutely thriving. My decorative grasses have all died, my barburry (sp?) shrubs died, and a couple of other specimens. So, now I have to replan and re-do the whole thing again.

The problem with this particular area is that parts of it are too steep. It really should have been terraced in a couple of areas. I may just do that this summer on my own. Hubby isn’t interested and doesn’t understand why I want to do it. I explained that my plants would have a better chance of surviving if their root base wasn’t washing away every time I watered or it rained.

FCM, wow! I must say again, that your industriousness just wears me right the hell out when I read about it! I wish I had at least half your energy.

I should finish my coffee and get going.

…and my typing sucks big time today.

That would be “Japanese laceleaf maple”; not what I typed above. :smack:

OK…got most of the plants in on the side of the house and then it was just too darn hot to do anything else. So, I’ve inventoried the plants I have for containers, inventoried the plants I have to put in the beds, inventoried the containers, made a list of other miscenllaneous junk that I need and am ready to eat lunch and then head out to: JoAnn’s (for more containers), Lowe’s for a few more bedding plants, and the chee-chee nursery for a few more plants for containers as I seem to be coming up short. Maybe next year I’ll actually plan. (Who’m I kidding???)

I think lunch is going to be an ear of corn and a mango. I’ll probably investigate the ripeness of the cantaloupe that I bought Friday night. And maybe some green beans. Hearing what everyone’s eating today has made me really hungry, but I’m too lazy to actually cook much today.

Oh, did I mention I threw a load of laundry into the washer, too?

It’s a pretty exciting day in the Traveler household… :wink:


I get to go to work here in a few hours. Envy me.