Good morning and Happy Memorial Day to all.
I’m sure we’re all (us 'Merikens anyway) doing a good job of remembering why this day exists. Let all raise a toast or silent tribute to those good men and women.
Hubby has just left for Home Despot. His list includes: new blade for our electric edger, a gas powered weedwhacker, gardening gloves for me, a new hoe, a new wheel for our wheelbarrow, a new lawnmower blade. I think that’s it.
I have just re-awoken. I didn’t fall asleep until after two, but kept having nightmares and strange dreams. These would cause me to wake up all the time. So, I slept in until about ten after eight. I was still having weird dreams, though, and my teeth feel like I must have been grinding them or gritting them real hard.
We’re going to BBQ chicken sausages that have feta cheese and spinach in them for chop-chop tonight. They should be interesting. We picked them up at Costco.
Other plans call for working in the garden because it is a huge weedfest. Huge! After the weeds are cleared I can think about what new plants I want. The only plants that seemed to have survived are the lavender and one of my gardenia shrubs. That poor shrub, however, is pretty sad looking. The trees I planted in the garden are doing well though. I have a coral bark maple, Japapenes Lacelfeaf maple, and a weeping pussywillow tree in the garden as well. The pussywillow and coral bark need to be pruned and are absolutely thriving. My decorative grasses have all died, my barburry (sp?) shrubs died, and a couple of other specimens. So, now I have to replan and re-do the whole thing again.
The problem with this particular area is that parts of it are too steep. It really should have been terraced in a couple of areas. I may just do that this summer on my own. Hubby isn’t interested and doesn’t understand why I want to do it. I explained that my plants would have a better chance of surviving if their root base wasn’t washing away every time I watered or it rained.
FCM, wow! I must say again, that your industriousness just wears me right the hell out when I read about it! I wish I had at least half your energy.
I should finish my coffee and get going.