Jerry from Survivor is the most useless piece of shit ever!

This story in the Dallas Morning News says hometown boy Colby is already home, and that the show taped in October and November.

OK, I’ll be the Devil’s advocate. Kimmi & Jerri demonstrated ‘the right stuff’ on last night’s episode.

Jerri proved not to be a ‘useless piece of shit.’ She made palatable food, and apparently she orchestrated the ousting of Kel. Kel had to go, since he had few flaws as a survivalist what with his military training and all. Eventually the tribes will merge; if Kel were still around at that point, he would be a favorite to win the cash. Jerri managed to make enemies and alliances with ease. She jerked the others around like some sour-pussed puppeteer. Sure she doesn’t accept conciliatory gestures: trust will get you backstabbed, plus she has an agenda. Yes, Jerri comes across as a loathsome person - venal, duplicitous, mean - but these are the qualities that are needed to come out on top. She’ll be gavotting about in that little blue number for many moons to come.

Kimmi almost lost everything when she didn’t eat the brains, yet she came out looking great when she won the playoff. In her masterful performance, she led the tribe through a whole range of emotions, ending with triumph and elation. Kimmi has been assertive, staying at the forefront of the opinion skirmishes. She’ll do well. I thought she was a braying jackass in the first episode, but she acquitted herself last night.

BTW, is there now a new sect of vegetarians, lacto-ovo-annelid? Boggling food issues notwithstanding, the tribes have got to get protein somehow or they will be getting sick.

I was in full agreement with the naysayers during S1, but I got talked into watching S2 after the Superbowl, and now I’m hooked. It’s not rocket surgery. It’s wrong that a TV show so popular doesn’t employ any actors. Nevertheless, it’s a fascinating display of humans and their foibles.

I would have been right behind you, Dinsdale.

I haven’t seen Survivor or Survivor 2, and don’t really plan to. I think it’s stupid the way they have to do challenges, and voting, and all that. It would be so much more enjoyable if they just dumped a few volunteers off onto an island, said “Have fun” and started the cameras. And the way someone lost would be something likt either voluntarily quitting, have their weight drop below a certain level, or passing unconscious. (Okay, that might not all work, but it’d certainly be more entertaining than Survivor. And it would be hard to edit it to make it deceptive.)

Survivor is my guilty pleasure. I have to do my treadmill the whole time in order to pacify the guilt of watching it. (Thought it’s not nearly as loathsome as “Temptation Island” - which I refuse to watch - and I wouldn’t even if I had a stair climber.)

I was fascinated by the number of them who could down bugs, worms, etc. Sorry, I would have have made my team miss the immunity because there is no way in hell I’m eating a grasshopper, people. Or cow brains. Blech.

I also heard that Kel was caught with his pants down. It was on our talk radio shows today. If it’s true, how embarrassing. If it’s not true, how embarrassing.

All this and no one’s mentioned Michael thanking God for making him the leader of the tribe? OK, I know that’s not what he said, but that was the gist of it. That had to be the most bonehead move I’ve ever seen.

Well, I dreamed there was an island
that rose up from the sea.
And everybody on the island
was somebody from TV.
And there was a beautiful view,
but nobody could see,
'cause everybody on the island
was saying “Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!”

Laurie Anderson – Language is a Virus