"Jesus hates dykes!"

But God *does *hate hippies. No, really, it’s right there in the Bible:


I remember seeing a t-shirt years back that said

“Jesus is coming, and he’s really pissed off!”

If so, the people he’s pissed off at are the jerks in the SUV.

Sorry for your spoiled walk.

all I have to add is WOW, what a moron.
and as a fellow long hair let me point out that people are more than a little stupid when they see you from behind. I am 6’3" and around 210#s guys yell shit at me like “Hey Baby, NICE ASS” as they are going by…then hilarity ensues. heres a news flash, there are a hell of a lot more long haired guys out there than there are giagantic mutant women wandering the streets

This is like the guy who called me “faggot” apparently because I was limping and had a bag on my shoulder.

I so have to start wearing my hair down. I’ve always got it in a ponytail and have never gotten any thing sait to me like “Nice Ass”. Then again I might not have a very nice looking ass.

I really love hearing this nonsense. Can’t these people say “I’m praying for you dykes!” or “You’re going to hell!” or something? At least that just reflects on their own stunning ignorance. But no, they enjoy putting words in God’s mouth. I suppose it’s easier to believe God agrees with your views than worrying whether you’re aligned with His.

Do these wingnuts even read the Bible? I know it’s pretty long, but there’s some good stuff right at the beginning:

"You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Seems pretty clear to me.

And Daniel? Get a haircut, ya hippie! :smiley:

Peace and love, you fascist pig!

And I’ll get a haircut when my wife stops liking my long hair. Or when I start interviewing for my first teaching position, whichever comes first :).

And I can’t believe anyone would call a guy who likes baking and gardening and cats and doesn’t know how to fix a car a girly-man. What’s up with that?


I realize that what you encountered is the norm. That’s why I was surprised when one of our neighbors came by to introduce himself. He was the talkative type, asking lots of questions about us and telling us lots of information about him, his wife, and our neighbors.

I knew he was Christian from the conversation, and when he informed me about our immediate nextdoor neighbors — the ones with the beautiful garden — he said, “I reckon you’ve noticed that they’re all women.”

I nodded.

“They like women,” he offered, rather matter-of-factly.

“They’re lesbians?” I asked.

He grinned nervously, almost embarrassed, clearly ignorant, but in some way charming.

“So, what do you think of that?” I pressed on.

“Live and let live,” he said, shrugging. “They’re good neighbors.”

A pleasant surprise on a pleasant evening, sitting on the porch and watching the sun set.

See, that’s wonderful. It took me a long time before I realized that a significant number of Christians are like your neighbor: the live and let live folks, by their live-and-let-live nature, don’t shout their beliefs at me.

For all I know, a dozen other Christians driving past us last night thought I was a woman, shrugged, and drove on.


Then I’m confused. John was the apostle whom Jesus loved and he’s always shown clean-shaven. Does this mean Jesus was a self-loathing gay?

And don’t pull that Dan Brown crap on me. I saw that episode of 20-20 so I know all about it.

Just curious as to where this is might be considered normal, or average behavior

This is clearly a misquote of the bumper sticker on my filing cabinet:


Crikey, I hope some of them are paying attention to the road.

She was drunk, or wasn’t wearing her glasses, or monumentally stupid, perhaps. From what she yelled I’m betting the third option at the very least. You once posted a picture taken at your wedding and unless you’ve really changed, wouldn’t look like a woman to all but the most casual observers.

And your wife is correct to like your hair, it’s beautimous.

Waverly, I’ve noticed that kind of behaviour everywhere I’ve been. It’s just how often it happens and people’s reactions to it, that varies, from what I’ve seen.

or the ever-popular

Jesus is Coming…
Look Busy

Until the most recent presidential election, I thought my mother was this type of Christian. She’s had numerous gay friends and acquaintances and would never badmouth or abuse any of them. But she was for the anti-gay legislation because it was moral.

There are lots of people out there who might not say anything against gay people to their faces who will vote against them in private. Avoiding confrontation, letting other people do the dirty work, plausible deniability, it’s all there. And it’s easy peasy.

I don’t know if I have a point.

I can’t tell by your location. Do you live in the USA?

Left Hand of Dorkness
Things could have been a lot worse. Just ask Matthew Shepard.

And as far as “Jeus Hates Dykes” goes, what’s wrong with that Kid? I think His Dad should have a serious talk with Him.
Maybe Jesus should watch the "L Word’ and that could be quite a revelation for Him.

Hey, now there’s a good reason for Christ to return.

You misunderstand. By calling it the norm, there’s a connotation that not only could it happen, but it does happen, with regularity; and that being the ‘norm’, it isn’t viewed by the average individual as unique, unusual, or offensive. I do not think that this would apply to just anywhere.
