"Jesus hates dykes!"

How about …


I’m bi, and I can remember being absolutly TERRIFIED to come out to some of my friends in college, since some of them are hardcore Catholic/Christians/fill in the blank here. However one time one of those friends was IMing with me and out of the clear blue sky she goes “I don’t care if you like girls or guys…I just want you to be happy!”

I think you’re a little confused. This is considered normal everywhere but only in terms of vocal assholes. In other words, if someone is shouting at you, it’s not likely that they’re shouting something pleasant:

So you are defining normal in terms of the vocal minority? Jerry Falmwell, is that you?!

To be fair, I get mistaken for a woman a lot. I’ve taken to nodding and grunting at other guys when I’m washing my hands in a public restroom so that I can set their minds at ease, so they don’t do the back-out-and-check-the-door hokey pokey. It wasn’t their mistake that bothered me; it was their venom.

And to be fair, while I get that mistake a lot, this is the second time in eight years that I’ve had someone be so virulently anti-lesbian at me. It’s at least unusual enough to pit.


I didn’t know you even had an ass. I always pictured you as a disembodied head.

No, no. It’s normal for them, not us. :slight_smile:

Forgot to add: assholes are everywhere.

It does happen with regularity, and it is neither unique nor unusual. Still offensive, though, so you got that much right. However, I think Lute is trying to say that this sort of behavior is the norm for loud-mouthed assholes, not that loud-mouthed assholes are the norm for Christians. At least, that’s how I read him.

I kinda thought Lib was being gently sarcastic with his comment about its being the norm, anyway. Were you? I mean, obviously most Christians don’t go screaming foulness out the windows of their cars. That’s why I don’t pit 'em.


I’m tempted to when someone drives the wrong way down a narrow one-way parking lot lane at the mall, but I usually resist the urge.

You read correctly.

Been there (slightly different details), done that. Except I held enough composure to grab my crotch as the frat boys drove off.

I just hope Jesus will never visit the Netherlands.
We have a lot of dykes.

And if needed, we build another one.

Haven’t any of you seen Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter? Jesus LOVES Dykes.

Especially if they’re in love with a biker vampire dyke.

Anyway, people who shout things out of cars are idiots, in general.

I’ve been called a dyke a few times…and I’m not even clean shaven.

Well, this is good news.

The “God hates fags” crowd is becoming conscious of gender-inclusion issues. ISTM it’s a step in the right direction.

Okay, okay, I’ll leave.

Seriously, I noticed that Jerry Falwell no longer says that homosexuals are going to hell. He now says that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are going to hell.

I suppose it’s a step up.

I’m waiting for the day one of them stumbles and adds a “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

Apparently, transexuals are still in the clear.


I meant the norm for homophobia. More often than not, it’s in the form of cowardly drive-bys and infantile snickers, rather than outright assaults. But the Christian angle of it made me think of my neighbor, and that recent late afternoon. Actually, I sort of wondered, when reading your story, whether they were Christian at all, but instead just punks pulling a double whammy — gay bashing and Jesus cursing.