I’m sorry, but this is one of my favorite shows. Watching it on Friday night is the equivalent, for me, of diving headfirst into a batch of Cadbury chocolates and eating my way out.
In any event, it’s the cheerleading one, where Joan does her big FU cheer at the end to the snobby girls on the squad.
Check in here if you like at 9pm… I know it’s a repeat, but I am really falling in love with this show.
I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while, and since this is a thread about a re-run this doesn’t seem like too bad a place for it. (hope Ivylass doesn’t mind)
Does anyone thing CuteGuy!God is attractive? I’m having trouble believing that Joan or anyone else would, but in the first episode Joan and the pair of twits seem to think so…He’s notunattractive, but he’s an average looking fellow. OTOH, I think this guy, if he grew his hair longer, http://www.kinoweb.de/film2000/DriveMeCrazy/pix/dmc2.jpg would be perfect to play Jesus (as a 20-something) if (ha) a movie was ever made of a story I’m writing, so my taste is…different [sub] it’s Adrian Grenier, if you were wondering[/sub]
I really don’t understand the popularity of this show. It seems weak to me, and I live in fear that they will soon cancel it.
Next you’ll be asking why I watch it, won’t you? I watch it because it partially satisfies my decades old, sick craving for Mary Steenburgen. If not for HER, I’d never tune in to Joan.
Please tell me I’m missing something, this show is really good, and will run for years to come. Please?
Is the actress who plays Brianna in this episode the same actress who plays Martin’s aunt (incredibly young to be his aunt, IMHO; she looks more like she should his sister or his girlfriend) in 7th Heaven?
Television Without Pity (televisionwithoutpity.com) has recaps of all the JoA episodes, in excruciating detail. If you want to know everything that happened on a particular episode (complete with commentary), go there.
Ivylass, thanks for starting this. I found the show fairly late, so this was a new episode for me. Joan’s FU cheer at the end was great, as was Grace’s reaction to it! It also gave me a bit of background on Friedman and Glynnis, although what Luke sees in Friedman other than geekiness is beyond me, and I’m an unabashed geek.
Mrs. Girardi made a good point at the end which I wouldn’t mind seeing some discussion of:
No one was showing asking or talking about who the father of the abandoned baby was. The show was all about the possibility of the mother being ostracized or prosecuted (admittedly she had to have been directly involved), not about the father. A list of girls who were likely to have carried the child was drawn up, but not a list of boys who might have fathered the child. Again, the fact that criminal charges were involved and that the father might have no idea what was happening or have been connected is a factor, but it still strikes me as curious.
I felt sorry for the Chief – he managed to anger his wife and his daughter, and I don’t blame them one bit!