Judge Stoopid at it Again?

I though this idiot had finally given up:Currently.com - AT&T Yahoo Email, News, Sports & More
So, (apparently) frivolous lawsuits are still around. How much has this idiot cost the taxpayers?:smack:

Good grief.

I wonder if he’s suffering from some sort of mental illness, to push it this far.

At the very least - say he won the case. The people who own the dry cleaners DON’T HAVE THE MONEY. And SURELY he knows this.

The guy just wants to ruin the owners lives.


If you read some of the more in-depth articles, it comes out that the lost pair of pants in question was from a blue and maroon suit.

I’d say they did him a fucking favor.

They did the court system a good turn in that the judge won’t be on the bench any longer. I feel sorry for anybody that had the guy for a judge.