Keira Knightly: disgustingly thin

She’s definitely too skinny for me, but I do admire her for her ability to comfortably joke about her own body - in interviews about the Pirates movies, she was constantly giggling about how they had to digitally enhance her cleavage. I don’t think she’s hung up about her weight or anything, I think that’s just her (IMO, unfortunate) body type.

The 'shopping cracked me up too, we’re discussing “OMG she’s so skinny”, and yet in the movie poster they tuck in her waist 2". Clearly extremely skinny is just not skinny enough.

I think she is naturally thin, but I’ve seen many recent pictures, not just the one in the OP, that look like she’s significantly thinner than usual. Now, as someone said, that could be a difference of only a few pounds on that frame, but she does look pretty bony right now.

Arms are a bad indicator of healthy weight. Look for the bony landmarks, I’s telling ya! :smiley:

I came to the conclusion some time ago that Keira just doesn’t photograph well (at least, not in still photographs). I’ve never seen a movie or movie clip of her in which she doesn’t look sexy, but I’ve seen very few still pictures (including posed pictures intended to make her look good) in which she does. Unfortunately, I’ve no clue how she looks in person, nor how she would look sprawled naked in a bed.

That said, the first picture in the OP’s link does look worse than most. Then again, that particular picture, with that exact pose and angle, at that exact time, was chosen by the paparazzi to emphasize her skinniness. It may well be that she would have looked better in a different pose, or with different lighting, or a couple of weeks before or after that.

Even if Keira is naturally thin (and I believe she is. Just not that thin. In fact, I’m not sure there is a single actress, naturally thin or not, who is not on a perma-diet, whether it be the Zone or coke. There are always ten more pounds to lose), instead of chastising her why not blame it on the casting directors?

Who the hell decided that every single female character in every single movie and TV show has to be a size 0? Why is it that even grandmothers have to be sexy and svelte? Think of all the potentially amazing actresses out there who never get cast because they won’t/can’t get lipo or go on a crash diet (the UK seems to be more lenient, which is why I think they have a higher ratio of quality to crap). Are size 8 women incapable of showing emotion? And anyone who says something about the camera adding ‘ten pounds,’ well, I’d like to see actresses ten pounds heavier. So do it. As for lighting catching the bone structure of thin actresses better, that is also bull. The same arguments are made with non-white actors, and if a cinematographer can’t make it work s/he should look for another line of work.

The audience, of course. Reread this thread and notice how many guys think she is hot, or at least attractive. And that is among the smartest, hippest people on the planet; imagine the tastes of the unwashed masses.

I saw those pictures during the week and thought she looked better then she had done for a while, certainly better then she did at the POTC permiere in London last year when she wore this dress.

To me, she is the exact opposite of a “butterface”. She has a beautiful face, but her body is just sickly looking.

I’d be interested to see a thread where somebody calls an overweight actress “disgustingly” fat, and compare/contrast the results.

Excellent point. I reckon the double standard is because it’s assumed overweight people can’t help being overweight, while underweight people have made a choice to be so, due to social pressure.

But of course some skinny people would rather not be, just as is true of some or most fat people.

I have a feeling the results would be the same, but the outrage would be far increased. Try starting out with Marlyn Monroe… :cool:

Yeah, I think Keira’s pretty far from disgusting. She’s definitely on the very slender end of the spectrum, but I’d rather look like her than Serena Williams (not that she’s disgusting or repulsive either). I actually am a lot closer to Keira in body type, but I think I look a little heavier, maybe a little more well proportioned. And I don’t think anyone would consider me disgusting or sickly looking…at least, that hasn’t been the general response, yet.

Baldwin, in response to your spoiler:

Bulimics tend to be normal to slightly overweight–I’d think Keira would be a better choice to play an anorexic character.

KK is a pole, not a woman.

I could go into a whole feministy rant about how much sentiments (“real” women have curves) like that actually hurt rather than empower women, but I don’t feel like it. Let’s just leave it at this: Does she exist? Then she’s a “real” woman!

Meh. I like both.

Oh please. The SDMB is far from the “smartest, hippest people on the planet”. And even if it wasn’t, that doesn’t have anything to do with anyone’s taste in the opposite sex.

OK, you be the one to tell Cecil he’s wrong.

You want me to tell a fictional person that he’s wrong?

Are we to believe you are an honest-to-goodness Lord?

Are you saying he’s not? Because, I mean. . . wow. I’ve been mislead this entire time. :frowning:

As far as Keira, I go back and forth on her (much like many of the posters here want to- Haaaaay oh!). She really does have a gorgeous face and even though that stupid pout thing she does is tiring, it looks damned good.

And while she is obviously naturally on the thin side, sometimes she just dips too low in weight and looks awful. When she gets super thin, there is hardly a trace of traditional feminine features on her body- no boobs, no hips, no waist, etc. While some think that’s attractive, I like it when women are a bit curvier.

On the other side of the token (for argument’s sake), I’d say a similar argument for someone bigger- say, Beyonce. Beyonce is naturally on the thick side, sometimes she bumps up in weight and it just looks awful. While she’s vastly hotter than me on my hottest of days, 5 or 10 lbs makes that girl go from curvy and hot to lookin’ incredibly jiggly and bottom heavy.

So there you go- comments on a girl who is naturally thin and can make herself look skeletal by losing 10 lbs and comments on a girl who is naturally thick and can make herself look down right fat by gaining 10 lbs.

Oh…that…that can’t be good.