Last night was by far the best concert I’ve ever been to. Kesha appeared in Chicago six months after her last appearance here, which unfortunately I couldn’t make. The extra wait was well worth it. She started the show with “Sleazy,” and performed all her hits, saving “TiK ToK” for the last song and “We R Who We R” for the encore. I would have killed to be the guy she called up on stage for “Grow a Pear,” but it wasn’t meant to be. I didn’t think any glitter got on me, but I noticed a tiny bit when I got home. Have any other Dopers seen the show?
Not I, but maybe whoever Kesha appeals to is not my demographic anyway. What kind of music do they play?
She appeals to the demographic who brush their teeth with a bottle of Jack.
So, it was your first concert?
I keed, I keed - to each his own. But I must admit I was waiting for the punchline.
I really like the mashup of Tik Tok and Star Trek: Star Trek: Tik Tok - YouTube
I’m a Jim man, myself.
You know how at GWAR concerts, the first few rows get a chance of being sprayed with Slave Semen? Well here, you just get crabs.
Moving over to Cafe Society.
I’ve heard tell that Kesha crabs are shiny and look a lot like glitter at first glance…
I went to a concert by Santana tonight.
He opened with a cover of “Back in Black”, closed with a cover of “Sunshine of Your Love”, and filled the 2 hours in between with some of the most blisteringly amazing guitar work i’ve ever stood witness to.
Ke-dollar sign-ha isn’t fit to do his sound check.
Look, there’s nothing wrong with pop. It’s fun, it’s good to dance to. Sure. Santana is fine french cooking, but sometimes you just want french fries and a pop. That’s Ke$ha. And if you had fun with it, awesome. Glad to hear both concerts went well.
Ke$ha - Blow (Official Video) - YouTube (Featuring Ke-dollar sign-ha. Specifically.)
(Wait for the exploding unicorns. It’s worth it.)
I will be sharing this…thanks!
Was he trying to touch her junk, junk?
Cool story, bro.
Hell, my very first big concert was Santana, must be twenty-six years ago now.
They were awesome - at one point they did a version of “Soul Sacrifice” with what must have been a dozen drummers on stage.
It was an outdoor concert in the summer, and a group of us boys were all dropping acid (myself for only the second time) - while tripping, we met up with a group of girls who were also tripping out, dancing on the grass to the most beautiful music any of us had ever heard - it was amazing. We spent the rest of the summer hanging out together.
Please give your man card to the receptionist at the front desk.
As a man, you can go to shows featuring the pop princesses, but a la fight club, you cannot talk, much less brag, about going to those shows.
I really suggest you watch these fun reviews by Todd in the Shadows.
A couple of months ago my wife and I went to see Kylie Minogue in concert in San Francisco. We decided to make a whole weekend out of it, so we booked a hotel in the city for the night. At the check in desk, my wife happened to mention to the clerk what we were doing in the city, and asked him if he knew what the crowd would be like. "Many, many gay men, " he said with a straight face.
He was right. Later, my wife said, “It’s the first time I can remember going to a concert and there being no line at the women’s restroom!”
Awesome sauce.
I don’t understand Ke$ha, she has neither looks nor talent.
For those not familiar with it, here is Ke$sha’s original We R Who We R
OK, it’s kind of fun. But I really love this piano/lounge/jazzy cover of We R Who We R.