"King of the Nerds" returns for Season 2!

While I didn’t agree with the winner, Season 1 of King of the Nerds as surprisingly well done. I expected the worst and ended up enjoying it. Season 2 begins tonight at 10 on TBS.

I don’t know anything about this season but season 1 was pretty well casted. Let’s hope this one is too,

Very good news. Was just talking to the wife about this the other day and we were hoping it would come back.

I figured people may not realize it was coming back so I wanted to start a thread before it aired.

One of my friends is on it. Go Mary Kate!

I’m working my way through Season 1, and am looking forward to watching this one. Especially when I spotted the female Third Doctor cosplayer (and she does a great job with it, too! You don’t see too many Rule 34 Threes). I’ll be rooting for her unless she turns out to be a total twit like Alana in season 1.

One of mine, too! I’m unreasonably excited about this show as a result.

I’m just hoping they keep the quaintness and earnestness of the first season. I’d really hate to see this get “Real World” or “Real Housewives” treatment, with manufactured drama and people overreacting for the sake of screen time.

The first season was definitely a “reality show”. It hit all the beats those shows do but the casting was really good. I liked almost all of the people at least to some degree. I also liked that the creators seemed to be nerds themselves. But it is tricky. It is very easy for it to all go wrong.

Good luck to those with friends who are involved! That is pretty amazing there are at least two here.

I liked most people (ok, everyone except Alana) at first, but couldn’t stand most of them by the end of the show. Especially Genevieve.

I hope the people are better at the challenges, too - they did quite poorly, I thought, at most of them. Maybe it was just a bad case of nerves, but you even had people screwing up at their supposed specialties - comic book nerds getting easy comic book questions wrong, engineers getting the engineering challenge wrong, etc.

Watching now- and already picking out people i want to get booted.

Damn it! Missed it. I’ll watch it this week end.

I didn’t warm to this cast as fast as the first season’s but I am happy they are real Nerds and not Central Casting’s version of Nerd.

Won’t spoil the episode but I’ll just say I did feel bad for the loser.

I did notice last year’s cast made a cameo so I expect some of them (Certainly last year’s winner at least) will show up before this season is over.

I’m really happy. They kept the same “flavor” from last season. I quite enjoyed it.

Two things:

  1. My absolute happiest “real-nerd” moment was all the stuff that happened in the background. The nerds *COULD NOT STOP * playing with the assorted swords in the room :). The fantasy-centered geeks, mainly, were in constant contact with them, and the japanimation folks were playing with the mondo-cleave weaponry. That is the hallmark of true geekdom.

  2. What the hell was wrong with the broom riders?!? They had six bottles, and they werent’ pulling and throwing them all! Are they THAT bloody stupid? Japanophile chick only tried ONE on the first two runs! Jeez! That just about killed me.

I enjoyed it. No overt twits this time (although some of the twits from last season took a while to show their true colors, so we’ll see).

I really wanted to try that Quidditch game! And I loved the TARDIS! I want a TARDIS in my house. Hell, I want to go live in Nerdvana!

I think my favorite line of the night was when one of the guys described himself as a “Swiss-Army nerd.” :slight_smile:

What kind of accent did the girl who went home (I forget her name) have? Her voice sounded so bizarre.

It was slightly midwestern, but she was a down-talker, so her voice sounded… odd. She also had funny intonation on some words.

She also threw left handed on one run and right handed on the other. Definitely not the athletic type

I have to disagree with Quimby and Infovore regarding the cast - to me it feels just as bad as last season’s in terms of being horrendously cliche. Seems like we’re in for another season where 90% of the players lack basic social skills. So far the only ones I think I’d be able to stand in person are Chris and Xander. But there’s obviously still a lot of room to see how things shake out. I’m sure some people will end up flipping out and others will end up cooler than my first impression.

It really did. And she was the one (I think) who said she was training to be a teacher of English as a second language…and all I could think was “Grand, she’ll be teaching other people to sound like THAT.”

I looked up her bio. She’s from Georgia so I couldn’t help but wonder if her multilingualism affected her accent.