There we go. Now, I hate all the fluffy-and-rainbows names that my friends have suggested and every twenty year old girl names a cat. This little man will not be a Mittens, or Smoky, or Muffin, or that stuff. Potential names:
Gogo (full name Estragon)
Zoom (in honour of one of my favourite childhood books, Zoom At Sea
Steve (just really a great cat name. Steeeve.)
that’s it so far
So basically, I’m going for either an existential philosopher or Shakespeare character, but any awesome name is good. Any suggestions would be great!
I’d personally call him Smooshy Face. I think that’s a terrific name for a cat! Please keep in mind, however, that I also personally have a cat named Fuzzy Face (see, she has this face, and it’s fuzzy!). I’m also a fan of “Steve.”
Well, you can’t have my next cat name - The Magnificent Fangmeyer. My first cat was named Lou. He was Lou at the shelter when I got him, and it suited him too well to change. It makes lots of great nicknames, too, which is important for cat names.
Has the Cutest Kitty Ever done anything to suggest a good name yet? Any habits or strange interests (ALL cats have strange interests)? How about Fuzzbottom? Archibald (although that seems to be more of an orange cat name, for some reason)?
Bogey (short for Bogart)
Darth Vader
Dusty (cause he’s grey - not quite as bad as Smokey)
Bes (Egyptian Dwarf lion-god of good luck and fortune) Here is a list of Shakespearian baby names.
Moth would be a good Shakespearian name for a grey kitty.
Oliver’s a good cat name.
Stephano is a Shakespearian name (and it shortens to Steve! Hey!)
Ooh, I like Stephano, and Pascal. I tried calling names to him to see which he’d respond to, but he’s quite pre-occupied with attacking his own feet right now, so he’s ignoring me. He’s quite the hopper, too; he was bouncing around the living room all last night.
That’s basically what you should always expect to have happen when you call his name. The Neville kitties don’t seem to know their names. Actually, I suspect they do know their names, but they only respond to them when they want to.