Lame Joke Thread

I went to a biodegradable factory the other day and it was gone.

What do you call a piece of wood with nothing to do?

A board!

Ok here are my contributions.

What’s brown and sticky?

A stick!

A polar bear walks into a restaurant. He goes up to the bar and says "Bartender, I’d like a gin and…tonic. Bartender says “Whats up with the big pause?” Polar bear says, "I don’t know, I was born with them!
What’s brown and sitting on the piano bemch?

Beethoven’s last movement

What kind of bee produces milk?

A boo-bee

What’s brown and green and can kill you if it falls out of a tree?

A pool table.

Did you hear that beer makes you smarter?

It made Bud wiser.

Didja hear about that new restaurant on the Moon?
Great food, no atmosphere.

A: Ask me if I’m a truck.
B: Are you a truck?
A: No.
How do you know you’ve been raped by an elephant?

You’re pregnant for TWO YEARS.
Julius Caesar walks into a bar, says “I’ll have a martinus.”
The bartender responds, “Don’t you mean a martini?”
“If I wanted a double, I’d have asked for one.”

Dog walks into a bar, says “I’m looking ofr the man who shot my paw.”

Horse walks into a bar, say “Hay, bartender!”

Horse walks into a bar, bartender asks “Why the long face?”

Thank you thanks everyone, your a great crowd! Good Night!

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 8 9.

My youngest sister pulled this one on anyone who’d play along:

Sis: Ask me if I took a shower!!
Victim: Did you take a shower?
Sis: Why, is one missing??

She was her own best audience.

How abut the guy standing on the street corner jumoing up and down on a manhole cover shouting, a the top of his lungs, "45! 45! 45! 45! … "

A fellow comes along and asks the guy why he’s jumping up and down yelling “45!” all the time. The guy says, “Want to see?”

“Sure,” the fellow replies. So the guy opens up the manhole and when the fellow bends over to look in, the guys kicks him in the ass and into the manhole. He replaces the cover and starts jumping up and down shouting, "“46! 46! 46! 46! …”

I find most of these jokes HILARIOUS! I’ll come back and rate them when I have time.

Here’s another one, an AI generated joke (more of a oneliner):

A variation:

Celine Dion walks into a bar, bartender asks, “Why the long face?”

I weep for you, my friend :smiley:

The numbers 4 and 6 are sitting in a bar having a drink; when all of the sudden the number 3 walks in, does a funny little dance then leaves. The number 4 turns to the number 6 and says “hey whats up with that guy?” The number 6 then responds " I don’t know he seemed a little odd to me…"

A pony walks into a bar:

bartender “what’ll ya’ have buddy?”

Pony “tsss bsss hss bsss”

bartender “What was that buddy I couldn’t quite hear ya”

Pony “tsss bsss hss bsss”

Bartender " I still can’t understand what your say’n can ya repeat that?"

Pony “tss bsss hss tss”

Bartender (getting anoyed) " Hey listen man if you want something your gonna have to speak up becuase I can’t hear ya!"

Pony (in a rasp voice) “sorry I can’t talk right now, I’m a little horse!”

Here’s another dumb one:

A kid from the country goes to school one day. He says, “Hey teach, for breakfast I et seven eggs!”

The teacher says, “Ate.”

He replies, “No, I et seven eggs.”

The teacher says, “Ate.”

“No, I et seven eggs,” he insists.

“Ate,” says the teacher.

“All right,” he shouts, “I et eight eggs!”

Q: What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

A: Oh, I lost my tractor.

Q: Why was the farmer buried behind the hill?

A: Because he died.

Thank you all, I’ll be here all night. :slight_smile:

I think something got lost in the translation here…

While this version is still funny, it is only a simple joke, the punchline being that the dog can actually speak intelligent english, even though the bartender misinterprets the answers the dog had given to the three questions as only barking. OK, ha ha.

But the original joke is much funnier.

The first question is the texture of sandpaper: “Rough.” The second question is what’s on the top of a house: “Roof.” The third question is who is the greatest baseball player of all time, and the dog answers “Ruth.”
After the bartender then kicks them out, the dog spouts the punchline:
“You think I should have said Di Maggio?”

Not only does it have the same joke your version, but the second level of humor that the dog believes he was kicked out for disagreeing with the bartender’s view of baseball history.
I know deconstructing a joke always takes away the humor, but there ya have it.
To add in another (lame joke):
Q. Why are farmers so repected?
A. They are always outstanding in their field!

Where did the General keep his armies?
In his sleevies!


Knock Knock

Who’s their?

Interrupting Cow

