Leave your berets at home

Make sure you leave your berets and blue helmets at home folks if you don’t want
crazy people mowing you down in the grocery store.
And a big Fuck You to Jesse Ventura like we needed someone else to stir up the nutters. What you didn’t think Glen Beck could handle it on his own? You needed to get the frothing masses whipped up even more.

If anybody needs me i’ll be in the back yard burying my berets.

They have been saying the same things since the 1990s. So this is almost 20 years of really rabid, completely insane anti-UN and anti-FEMA hysteria, and it shows no sign of dying back from its hardcore complete psychotic nutball constituency.

This is the subculture the whole idea of ‘black helicopters’ comes from; it is connected to some extent to the UFO believers, but it is not co-extant with them. It is, however, chock full of the really scary racists and anti-Semites, especially in the Militia/Patriot Movement subgroup of this crazy gumbo with extra crazy. It’s also one of the anti-vaccine groups, an outgrowth of the much older anti-fluoridation nuttery. It has some affinity to the John Birch Society and, going back further, to the Ku Klux Klan and the racist, anti-Semitic audience of Father Coughlin.

Yes. And people have also been scaremongering about them since the 1990s. I don’t believe they are much of a threat to anyone. Their movements are impotent, incompetent and cowardly and they have never accomplished anything.

I don’t understand how Jesse Ventura fits into this…if the OP would care to explain, that would be great.

I found it curious that the Yahoo Answers page linked in the OP is the only Yahoo Answers I’ve ever seen with reasonable spelling and grammar, as well as cogent development of an arguement. Are America’s best and brightest draining off into conspiracy nuttery? And how does this link up the girl that Glenn Beck does not deny murdering in 1990?

One of the answers on the OP’s link mentions a “special report” on TruTV about these so-called FEMA camps. It’s hosted by Jesse Ventura.

Sorry! I knew I left something out. Jesse Ventura has a conspiracy show on TruTV that featured the “Proof” of the FEMA camps yesterday, all with railroad tracks running to them to ship us in. And how the government has installed cameras everywhere so they can keep constant watch on us when it’s time to round us up. Also they are going to make us get microchips inplanted so they can track us. At least that was the gist of the show, I can’t be sure about everything as my laughter was blocking the sound.

Wasn’t he a governor, and a pro wrestler? Is there anyone, other than Arnold, who has a weirder career?

Hmm, Bud Spencer? Olympic swimmer, lawyer, inventor, jet and chopper pilot, politician actor and slapper extraordinaire.

What about other colors? Say, ones you find in second-hand stores? Are they okay to wear? I hope so, cause I know this girl and thats about all she has.

You win the thread.

So this isn’t about a sniper killing people wearing berets. In fact the title has nothing to do with the topic. Try a title that matches the rant.

The mouth-breathers need work on the timeline of their persecution: Obama has to come take their guns before they are herded into the FEMA camps.

A young** Tinkertoy **named Billy-Joe grew restless on the farm
A boy filled with wanderlust who really meant no harm
He changed his clothes and shined his boots
And combed his dark hair down
And his mother cried as he walked out

Don’t take your beret to town son
Leave your beret at home, Bill
Don’t take your beret to town

For the people that haven’t heard the song it’s Don’t Take Your Guns to Town.

If you will read the last quote in the OP you will notice the advocating of shooting people down in cold blood for wearing berets or blue helmets. The reasoning being they are obviously with the U.N. one world government troops.

From the link in the OP

The sad thing is I can’t tell if the guy who wrote this intended it as over the top mocking sarcasm or if he’s dead serious.

Poe’s Law. Originally referred to religious fundamentalism, applies nicely to all forms of the nutty fringe of the right wing.

It doesn’t just apply to the right wing, unfortunately. Have you ever heard of Jeff Rense? Even aside from his site and ideology - have you seen what he looks like? I was positive Rense.com was a joke when I first saw it.

So these guys are afraid America is going to be taken over by Jamie Hyneman?

Whoa, what a site.

What wing is that guy? Nut? He seems to be a major Ron Paul supporter and conspiracy theorist. Not that there is a short supply of left wing batshit, but that guy seems to occupy an entire wing all to himself. Perhaps the mental wing of Bellevue?