Lets design the perfect male and female human.

Aryans be DAMNED!

I’ll begin. I was just perusing the internet looking at pics of the love of my life. Meg Ryan. I noticed she has the perfect mouth for the perfect woman. So wonderful and crooked with that perfect smile that warms the heart… oh great googly moogly… chills

Thats the start. Female, with Meg Ryans perfect mouth.

Please help me finish this masterpiece from hair to personality. Keep in mind, we need both a male and female.

Well, as far as males go, I’m already here. blink

As far as females go . . .

My perfect woman has straight, lightish-brown hair to about the middle of the back. Green eyes nice, but optional. Friendly, altruistic, plays guitar and drums,[sup]1[/sup], Christian. Her middle name is possibly Christine, not that I’m picky or anything. :stuck_out_tongue: Very soft features, can’t dance, can cook,[sup]2[/sup], and is going to meet me in the very near future. Having horrible taste in men would prolly help me out some, too. About 5’8 or so. Uses my name a lot. Uses “Hey, you,” as a greeting. At least marginally straight teeth.

Although I imagine some of these qualifications may change from person to person . . .

And yes, if you look closely, there’s an absurdly narcissistic comment and an absurdly self-derogatory comment in this post . . . there’s prolly some interesting psychology in that, but I’m too lazy to figger out what it is.
[sup]1[/sup]There’s something absurdly, randomly sexy about female drummers . . .
[sup]2[/sup]Not because I think in terms of gender stereotypes, just 'cause I can’t and we gotta eat something. I’ll happily clean the house, if that helps y’any.

…eyes optional but middle name is Christine… Hmmmmmmm… this might be tricker then I thought…

Astroboy raises his hand and waves it in the air frantically…

Oh! Oh! Can I do the boobies? Can I? Huh? Can I huh???

Akira Fubuki’s boobies… MMMmmmmmmmm!

And there will be three of them (for the obvious reasons).:wink:

Ummm… alright… first come first served. Faveorite female will have 3 of Akira Fubuki’s boobies. Oh dear god… a google search is in order here.

Eyes optional but 3 asian boobies manditory. This is turning out better then expected.

Happy googling, Whammo… I’d give you a link, but that might be frowned upon, and you will have NO trouble searching her out.

But wait a second! She has to have eyes, also! Eye contact is very important at certain times… I mean, of course, during romantic dinners, etc… yeah, that’s it…

3 boobs? Ummmmm Oooooookay. Whatever.

My ideal man is expert at changing diapers and never never never never leaves me alone with the kids for 3 days, not that I am bitter or anything or that I can’t remember the last time I got to go away somewhere cool for 3 days without kids. Noooooooooooooo I’m not bitter, not me.

And I hope he likes the younger sprog with green ears because older sprog just decorated his brother with indelible ink. The purple neck is pretty fetching too.

Ermph . . . hrmph. I meant the greenness of the eyes was optional, rather than the posession of eyes.

I would definitely classify breast number three as optional, though. But that’s just me.

3 because I have 2 hands and 1 mouth! 'nuff said…

Now, as for the green ears and purple neck: hmmm, I’m gonna have to think that over for a bit. I’ve never let skin color stop me from being attracted to someone, but purple and green? OTOH, Captain Kirk did that green chick… he seemed to have had a good time… Hmmmm…:wink:

With Kevin Spacey’s voice! Oh dear God, his voice

::Kayeby oozes into a puddle on the floor::

The perfect human female would be 4’11" tall and weigh 90 lbs. She would have a round face with wide set, almond shaped, black eyes, a broad, flat nose, and a small mouth with full lips. Her hair would be short, straight and jet black.

She would be fluent in 3 languages, and would find tall, skinny, pale, balding, near-sighted men physically attractive. She would be fond of wearing long, loose skirts with tight-fitting t-shirts.

She would be the first born of four children, smart, hard-working, thoughtful, considerate, and polite. She would value education and family. She would be a big fan of Jackie Chan, and The Beatles She would have a dazzling smile, a musical laugh, and a singing voice that could curdle milk.

And she wouldn’t be 7,000 miles away.

psst Astroboy! both my kids are boys and with any luck the indelible ink will wear off in the next decade.

I still don’t think 3 tits is a very attractive idea. She’s look funny dressed.

Am I sensing that Number Six is missing someone?

As far as three breats looking strange when she was dressed… maybe we could make the middle one inflatable? When dressed, it could be deflated, and when undressed I could inflate it:D!

The perfect man alreaddy exists,
and here he is.:slight_smile:

OK… so far for the Woman we have Meg Ryans perfect mouth, Can play drums and guitar and had eyes (color optional). sigh …3 of Akira Fubuki’s boobies. (one may be lopped off later, still considering votes on the subject) She is 4’11" fluent in 3 languages and is NOT 7000 miles away. Middle name should be Christine.

For the Man… Likes green children and has MANY whip scars on his back :D. He has Kevin Spacey’s voice, oh dear god his voice! Quietly ignoring the “montfort” fiasco :slight_smile:

[Neanderthal alert]
The perfect woman isn’t judged on the basis of of something as trivial as her bust measurement…

Everyone knows you have to go by cup size[/Neanderthal]

In seriousness my ideal would be more Janeane Garofalo - with perhaps a skoosh less angst - rather than annoyingly perky Meg Ryan. I’d set the dial somewhere between Janeane in Mystery Men and The Truth About Cats and Dogs, racoon eyes mascara optional.

Three tits? I can see logistic problems. If I was going to add to the number it would be a pair of back boobies for use when dancing.

I humbly request that the perfect man has Gabriel Byrne’s hair and blue eyes.

I would ask that the perfect man be tall as or taller than me (I’m 6’) and have a great sense of humor (clean enough to bring home to the parents but sick enough that we can both have lots of fun) He has to love camping and enjoy just hanging out without having to fill the silence with words the whole time. He also has to be cuddly and really sweet.

The perfect woman would not be deathly skinny.

Or, if she were, she would not work out seventeen hours a day and eat half a bagel.

The perfect man would have a voice of the amalgamation of all the good qualities of Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, and Sean Connery, with a teensy bit of Paul McCartney mixed in for good emasure.

Upon further review, I see Kevin Spacey’s voice has already been selected. Well, FINE! Then MY ideal man gets to have that mixed voice. Y’all get Kevin Spacey, much luck may you have with him. Harumph;)

[sub]The perfect woman would want me. So would the perfect man.[/sub]

Ahem I seem to recall a football-related fiasco last fall.

Anyway, the perfect woman would speak Swedish. :wink: